Coronary vaccine, coronavirus | The Norwegian Medicines Agency: Several Side Effects Are Common After AstraZeneca Vaccine


Fever, nausea, and malaise can be very common side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine. However, if you feel very ill for more than three days, you should contact a doctor.

The Norwegian Medicines Agency reports on the difference between common and unusual side effects of the British-Swedish vaccine on Sunday night.

The Norwegian Medicines Agency writes that symptoms such as tenderness around the injection site, headache, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, nausea, fever, or chills can be quite common. The vast majority experience at least one of these side effects in the first few days after vaccination.

Also read: Norwegian Medicines Agency on reports of concern from several younger patients: – May be a serious sign

But if these ailments or the feeling of illness do not disappear and last more than three days, a doctor should be contacted.

The same applies if you experience signs of stroke or serious illness or if there are unexplained bruises or small red or blue-red dots that do not disappear when pressed with a glass.

– Common side effects after vaccination can be unpleasant. It is not uncommon to feel so ill that one must be home from work a few days after vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine, writes the Norwegian Medicines Agency.

Earlier Sunday, it emerged that the Norwegian Medicines Agency received more than 1,000 reports of concern after they came out on Saturday and asked people to report if they had experienced bruising and bleeding on the skin after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine.

– It has been very hectic, we have never had it so hectic. In the last two days, we have received more than 1,000 messages from patients and healthcare professionals. Fortunately, there have been mostly mild side effects, harmless side effects, but then there have been a few that we have to look at a little more closely, says subject director Steinar Madsen from NRK’s ​​Norwegian Medicines Agency.

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Dr. Wasim Zahid on the AstraZeneca vaccine: – It is important to remember that the vaccine has already been given to millions of people.

At the same time, it is also being investigated whether blood clots may be related to this vaccine. On Friday, it was learned that a woman in her 30s had died as a result of a brain hemorrhage in Tynset, ten days after being vaccinated with the AstraZeneca coronary vaccine. It is currently unknown if there is a connection between the vaccine and unexpected death. The drugmaker on Sunday denied that there is such a connection between its vaccine and cases of blood clots.

On Saturday, there were reports that three younger healthcare workers had been admitted to Oslo University Hospital with a blood clot or brain hemorrhage. All three had received the AstraZeneca vaccine. On Sunday, his condition was still described as very serious.


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