Coronamink – Horror Video Shakes Denmark


– The Norwegian Food Safety Authority is now in the process of a large nationwide operation in which 15-17 million minks will be killed as quickly as possible for public health reasons. When an operation of that size is to be performed, errors can occur. And sadly it has happened, writes the Danish Food and Veterinary Administration, the Danish Food Safety Authority, on their Facebook pages.

They refer to a video that has shaken Denmark in the last 24 hours. The video was taken by a man employed at a mink farm, who witnessed the slaughter carried out by the Danish Food and Veterinary Administration.

Dagbladet has been in contact with the man and received permission to use the video. He shared it on Facebook this weekend, bringing the video to massive attention.

MINK INFECTION: There are currently infections in more than 200 Danish mink farms. In total, there are between 15 and 17 million minks in the country. The virus mutates in mink and spreads to humans, says Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. Photo: NTB
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– terrible

– It is awful. Yes, the mink is going to die, but it should happen properly. They were alive. You could hear them screaming, he tells Danish TV 2.

Denmark now fears mutated crown minks and will carry out a comprehensive operation to kill several million animals.

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority now admits that mistakes have been made in the shocking video, which shows the slaughter carried out by the Danish Food and Veterinary Administration itself at a location in North Jutland.

COMMON PIT: The capacity of incineration plants has been increased. The Danish authorities must bury the mink in mass graves, such as here at the Karup military airport. Photograph: Bo Amstrup / Ritzau Scanpix / NTB
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– There are very unpleasant videos on Facebook. One showing mink slaughter in a slaughter box that is apparently not properly closed. Another shows live mink in an incinerator. This is not how killings should happen, they write in the Facebook statement.

Ended up in a rush

The aforementioned video with the kill box shows the employees with a full infection control kit. Several minks are huddled together in a wooden box, but in the unpleasant images, the mink tries to get out of the box as their heads end up in trouble. Everything is recorded on video.

Fear of more mutations

Fear of more mutations

– This is not how murders should occur. Animal welfare has, and should have, a very high priority for us. The Danish Food and Veterinary Administration does its best to prevent similar situations from recurring, they write.

The criticism is not directed primarily at those who carry out the killings. Many now point the finger at the Danish authorities, who have implemented urgent measures to kill them.

On Monday it was also announced that the authorities do not have the authority to carry out the killing of uninfected minks. Several Danish politicians are now demanding a halt in practice.

– This is a dignified banana republic, says Rasmus Jarlov of the Conservatives to BT.

– madness

Denmark has around 1,100 mink farms, compared to 40 in Norway. All minks in the country must be euthanized because the mutated coronavirus is more resistant to antibodies and can infect humans.

Denmark report:

Denmark report: “Very urgent”

The Danish Trade Association Agriculture and Food, corresponding to the Norwegian Farmers Association, reacts strongly to manipulation by the authorities. They believe that the authorities have not been prepared for the task of killing all the minks in the country.

Especially criticizes the method of killing.

– This madness must end. No matter how much public health has to say, we cannot accept this type of animal abuse. It is clear that the authorities have not been prepared for the task, and we see it in the very unpleasant images that show their way of killing minks, leader Søren Søndergaard tells BT.

– die fast

The Danish Food Safety Authority emphasizes in its post that the situations shown in the video rarely occur. They also say that they use the same methods as the mink farmers themselves.

Mink creates complete chaos

Mink creates complete chaos

– It is the same method that mink farmers use, when they kill the mink before removing its fur. The mink are then quickly killed when they are gassed in kill boxes. We would like to emphasize that although the video shows that errors do occur in some cases, they should not happen again.

Simultaneously with the failed slaughter, the subsequent handling of the dead mink is controversial.

Combustion capacity exploded

The mink is thrown into mass graves in military areas. The Danish authorities have prepared giant graves in which they have collected thousands of minks and covered them with a layer of lime to avoid the risk of infection.

DIED: North Jutland is blockaded. Between 15 and 17 million minks now die as a result of a crown mutation. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix / NTB
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The reason for the mass graves is that incineration plants can no longer keep up with the killing.

– Smells like hell

Mass graves have been excavated in Karup, in central Jutland. Several neighbors fear, among other things, that drinking water will be contaminated as a result of the graves.

“The stench has already settled like a blanket over the city. It smells like hell here. Truly an old sour smell that pleases no one,” Karup resident Ken Dahlstrøm writes in BT newspaper.
