Coronabaluba: – – It is not my responsibility


Molde Mayor Torgeir Dahl (H) says he had four phone conversations for a total of 28 minutes with Secretary of State Peder W. Egseth (H) on Saturday and Sunday.

Dahl has criticized infection management in Oslo and received help from Egseth to communicate the criticism to the press.

Egseth works in the Prime Minister’s office and is considered one of Erna Solberg’s most important advisers.

Mayor of Molde: held four conversations with the Secretary of State

Mayor of Molde: held four conversations with the Secretary of State

– Not exposed to anything

The Oslo City Council is run by the Labor Party. They say the Dahl plot is just one of a series of attacks by conservatives on the management of the crown in Oslo and on the Labor Party.

Several also react strongly to Egseth’s involvement, and Councilmember Raymond Johansen wants an apology from Erna Solberg.

– It appears that the Secretary of State is actively working to spread this message. It’s difficult to evaluate this any other way, Johansen said Monday.

– This is pretty gross and something that contributes to making the crown pandemic an ugly political game.

The mayor of Molde removes the veil on contact with the Secretary of State

The mayor of Molde removes the veil on contact with the Secretary of State

– Unnecessary discussion

The apology that Johansen wants that neither Solberg nor Health Minister Bent Høie (H) will give for now.

– I do not perceive that Oslo is exposed to anything by the government, I feel that we have very good contact with Raymond Johansen on how we can handle the pandemic, Høie tells Dagbladet.

He answers a series of questions from Dagbladet about the case, calling the debate Dahl started as “unnecessary.”

Erna Solberg has chosen the same vocabulary.

– Dagbladet wants to continue a debate that is completely unnecessary and I will not help keep that debate alive, says Høie.

UNNECESSARY: The Minister of Health and Sanitation Services, Bent Høie, does not believe that the government has behaved in a way worthy of criticizing Oslo. Reporter: Steinar Suvatne. Video: Christian Roth Christensen.
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He had contact with the mayor’s office

The fact that Bent Høie’s ministry also had contact with Mayor Dahl this weekend is dramatized by the Health Minister.

– My secretary of state contacted the mayors of Molde since he, on my behalf, had to comment on the proposal of the mayor of Molde. And then there was a contact later where he received some information which is completely natural since he was going to debate as a result of his proposal, says Høie.

– Do you see that it seems that your ministry is also involved?

– But we are not. The Prime Minister has also made it very clear that the debate Dahl started is a dead end.

Norwegian politics rarely smell so bad

Norwegian politics rarely smell so bad

– It is not my responsibility

Bent Høie says he cannot be held accountable for what government secretaries of state do.

– SMK employees are not my responsibility, he says.

SMK Executive Director Prime Minister Erna Solberg has this to say about the case:

– As I have said earlier today, I believe that the proposals that confront the city and the country are unnecessary contributions to the debate on the coronation. Therefore, I believe that the proposal by the Mayor of Molde, Torgeir Dahl, will be an unnecessary detour at a time when we must unite. “I’ve been clear on this internally, also directly with my secretary of state,” Solberg tells Dagbladet.

– I know that many across the country are tired and weary of the crown measures. We must all contribute, but there is no doubt that Oslo has had it more difficult than others, continues the Conservative leader.
