Corona Virus: – – This is not a competition


Almost exactly six months after Norway’s shutdown, the government and health authorities held a serious press conference on Thursday about the crown situation we now face.

The message was clear:

The situation is worrying and the next few days will be crucial. If the situation worsens further, the government is ready to introduce a series of new measures to contain new outbreaks, both at the national, regional and local levels.

Measures that may be relevant to introduce are attracting attention in Sweden.

ADJUST: Here, Anders Tegnell is informed that the leader of the Swedish Democratic Party, Jimmie Åkesson, left the Riksdag with symptoms of a cold. Images of Expressen.
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- Everyone does like Sweden

– Everyone does like Sweden

Our neighbors to the east have noted that these are measures that Sweden has lived by for a long time, pointing out that it may now appear that Norway is also following the strategy of the Swedish crown.

Towards the Swedish strategy

Among the measures proposed by the Norwegian authorities are preventive measures to avoid infection in health institutions, strengthen counseling for risk groups, and encourage greater use of home offices.

At the same time, it can be relevant with a call to avoid public transport, limit the number of people who can meet at public events to 50 people and digitize all teaching in universities.

CORONAVIRUSET: Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) says the government has chosen the right strategy and that one must be prepared for local outbreaks. Reporter: Frode Andresen / Dagbladet. Video: Christian Wehus / Dagbladet.
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During yesterday’s press conference in Sweden, Aftonbladet asked state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell about the Norwegian measures that are now being considered.

He did not mean that Norway is now approaching the Swedish strategy, but commented on the Norwegian measures as follows:

– Whether other countries do the same as Sweden or not, other countries should judge for themselves. But overall, many of us have come to the conclusion that this is a pandemic that we have to live with for a long time. We must find a way to live with those who don’t destroy public health too much in other ways, Tegnell said according to Aftonbladet.

Tegnell with new Norwegian plug: - Not applicable

Tegnell with new Norwegian plug: – Not applicable

The professor of epidemiology at the University of Geneva, Antoine Flahault, is among those who have recently stated that practically all European countries are now following Sweden’s strategy, but that no one will recognize it.

– It is not politically correct. Almost everyone has criticized the Swedish strategy, calling it inhumane and flawed. You can’t turn around now, Flahault said.

– No competition

Recently, the infection has increased in much of Europe, including Norway and Denmark. In Sweden, on the other hand, the infection has decreased.

Tegnell does not dare to say with certainty what this development is due to.

– This is difficult to know today. This may be due to two things: Our decline in the number of infected came later than in other countries, so it is possible that we are in a different phase, said Tegnell and continued:

– Secondly, we have a different situation in Sweden. We are not going from a total closure, we have been in the same measures all the time. This can contribute to a different development from other countries.

Fear of cluster collapse

Fear of cluster collapse

Sweden’s choice of crown strategy, as is well known, has attracted attention, even well beyond the borders of Scandinavia.

When asked how the discussions among Scandinavian epidemiologists are taking place, Tegnell emphasizes that management has never been considered a competition.

– We don’t see this as a competition. We share experiences, discuss various measures that have and have not worked, and think about how we can help each other, Tegnell concludes.
