Corona Virus – Infection Registry in Oslo:


– The situation is still serious. This week more stringent measures have been introduced, I hope we can see results in regards to a decrease in infection, Health Minister Bent Høie (H) tells Dagbladet after Friday’s infection record in Oslo.

A record 241 cases of infection were registered in the capital on Friday, representing an increase of 52 cases compared to the previous day. The average of the last week has been 193 infected per day.

Høie draws a parallel between the infection situation in Oslo and other large cities in Europe, where large outbreaks of infection at the national level are driven by outbreaks in large cities.

– Once the infection has taken hold, it takes a lot to reverse development, says Høie.

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The Oslo school is not a cult

Hospital admissions are increasing

Health Councilor Robert Steen (Labor Party) believes that the high infection rates underscore the seriousness of the people of Oslo.

– That infection rates continue to increase and not flatten, I am concerned, but I think that perhaps the most serious thing is that the number of hospital admissions is increasing so much, Steen writes in an email to Dagbladet.

On Friday, there were 65 corona-infected hospitalized in Oslo.

CONCERNED: Health Councilor Robert Steen (Labor Party) is concerned about the increase in infection in Oslo.  Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB

WORRIED: Health Councilor Robert Steen (Labor Party) is concerned about the increase in infection in Oslo. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB
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Waiting for results

Bent Høie says it is irrelevant to tighten the measures in Oslo based on the infection figures from Friday.

You are still waiting to see the results of the adjustment on November 17, when the city council introduced the red level in secondary schools and full-time indoor leisure activities for young people over 13.

– It usually takes up to two weeks before you see results in the infection rate, and then it takes a little longer before it slows down, he says.

Høie believes, however, that there are indications that the growth of the infection is not as strong as before.

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Here are the changes for the cultural sector

Desired early effect

The Oslo City Council introduced intrusive measures and social closure on November 10. Among other things, the city council closed all gyms, cinemas, theaters, playgrounds and the like. Additionally, a total ban on alcoholic beverages, a ban on indoor events and a stop at grassroots adult sports were introduced.

Health Councilor Robert Steen says the city council is monitoring the infection situation in Oslo.

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– It will be more time before the Oslo social closure has an effect on infection rates, although we would have liked to see an effect early, the latest measures have not worked long enough for us to see the effect yet, says Steen.

However, Steen admits that he expected a flattening of the infection curve towards the end of this week.

– I look with concern at the infection rates today, I would like to see them lower. We cannot shrug our shoulders. But we see a smaller increase in infection rates than the short-term FHI forecast published on 11/10.

Rates will increase

Rates will increase

– Now we wait a few more days to see if we can get the desired effect, which is a decrease in infection rates, beyond next week. And then we will come back with a new evaluation.

In the last 14 days, 1,416 new infections have been recorded in Oslo.
