Corona virus in Sweden – – Tests itself for adherence


On Friday, a record 5,990 corona cases were recorded in Sweden. In total, the country thus has 177,355 infected and 6,164 dead, according to figures from the Public Health Authority. Statistics from the Public Health Authority also show that the age group with the most infected is 20-29 years old.

At the same time that authorities are demanding that people not gather in large groups, infection control doctors in Sörmland and Stockholm report that healthy people are testing themselves for COVID-19 so they can go to a party, Expressen writes.

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Unnecessary burden

– It is mostly through second-hand sources that we have found out about this. As I understand it, it is mainly the younger people who have been tested for the holidays, but also the elderly, says Signar Mäkitalo, an infection control doctor in Södermanland, to the newspaper.

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Blood Red Europe: Various Grim Milestones

It emphasizes that all unnecessary tests involve unnecessary burden. Maria Rotzén Östlund, an assistant infection control physician in Stockholm, says they have also received signs that this is happening.

– We don’t know how big the problem is.

She emphasizes that a negative test result can give false assurance.

Education Minister Anna Ekström reacts strongly to the information and tells the newspaper that this is a time of responsibility, not partying.

– This also applies to young people. Neither you nor your loved ones are immortal. We are in the midst of a pandemic and we must all take responsibility.

– Testing yourself just to go to a party is irresponsible and takes resources from those who need it, writes Social Affairs Minister Lena Hallengren in Twitter.

Dramatic increase: blame it on this

Dramatic increase: blame it on this

Great pressure

On Thursday, Expressen wrote that the pressure on coronation testing is so high in Stockholm municipality that many with symptoms have trouble getting tested. Even then, the newspaper could report that Södertälje health centers have noticed that many healthy people want to be tested, precisely so that they can go to parties without infecting others.

– It is a burden for the health service, said the head of security of the municipality, Anna Flink, to Expressen.

After the infection rose dramatically in a few days, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven met with the press together with Minister of Social Affairs Hallgren on Wednesday this week.

– This runs the risk of turning black as night, said Löfven.

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Pour stop

The Prime Minister believes that too many Swedes have begun to relax and urges people to follow the authorities’ recommendations.

– Unfortunately, we seem to be heading into darker times when it comes to the spread of infections. All curves go the other way, he said, warning that the situation could be like this spring.

He was warned many times

He was warned many times

They both emphasized the severity of a situation where intensive care units in hospitals are once again beginning to overflow with COVID-19 patients and testing capacity in several counties has exploded.

During the press conference, it was announced that the country will introduce a liquor ban starting at 10 pm next Friday. This is the first time that Sweden has introduced a ban on the sale of alcohol during the pandemic, and the government is considering various measures on an ongoing basis.
