Corona Virus: – Goes against Tegnell:


Delayed deliveries have affected vaccine delivery across Europe.

Last Friday, Spain decided to give only one dose of vaccine to those under 55 who have already been diagnosed with covid-19.

The reason is that the first dose of vaccine is considered to provide adequate protection, according to Expressen.

Avisa writes that France has made a similar decision and that Italian politicians are debating whether to follow suit.

– It works very well

Threats to life: - You are a disaster.

Threats to life: – You are a disaster.

– It works very well to give only one dose of vaccine to those who have already had covid-19. If you have already had a natural infection, the immune system is already primed and will give a good response to a syringe. All those who have already had an infection and receive two injections, suffer an unnecessary amount of side effects, because the immune response is highly activated, says Agnes Wold, professor of clinical bacteriology at the University of Gothenburg.

Swedish state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell on the status of the crown in Sweden.
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Wold opposes Swedish state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell and believes that Sweden should introduce a strategy that provides one dose of vaccine to the entire population.

– Yes, as it is now, maybe I should give everyone a dose of vaccine to start with. At least for those over 70. If it is now the case that the infection is increasing due to the British mutation, then it is a race against time. But I guess you should sit down and count on this. It all depends on how many doses of vaccine he receives next month, he tells the Swedish newspaper.

- The virus is here to stay

– The virus is here to stay

– Many questions arise

In Sweden, the decision to administer the two doses of vaccine is firmly established.

Avisa has asked the Swedish Public Health Agency for a response to Wold’s statement, but it was forwarded to last week’s press conference.

– Not many decisions can be made at the individual level and many questions quickly arise about how safe you can be that you have had the disease, state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell said at the time.

Praise Norway, pleads Tegnell

Praise Norway, pleads Tegnell

Health Minister Bent Høie will give a press conference on the vaccine strategy in Norway on Tuesday at 2 pm

Follow the press conference on Dagbladet TV.
