Corona vaccine will be free – VG


MAKE THE BILL: Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Health Minister Bent Høie say a corona vaccine will be free for everyone. The image is from the presentation of the proposed state budget on October 7. Photo: Heiko Junge

A vaccine against the coronavirus will be free for everyone in Norway. The government hopes to be able to offer vaccines in early 2021.

This is stated by the government in a press release on Tuesday morning.

The government will also cover the costs to the municipalities for the vaccination of people who live and reside in the municipality.

– We want a safe and effective vaccine to be offered to as many people as possible. Therefore, vaccination will be free, says Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H).

She adds:

– The government’s main priority in vaccination work is to be able to offer early vaccination of the entire adult population in order to reduce serious illness and death and prevent the spread of infection.

Solberg further says that “when as many people as possible are vaccinated, the social and social consequences of the pandemic will also be reduced.”

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During a statement at the Storting on Tuesday, Health Minister Bent Høie (H) stated when the government expects a vaccine will be available for Norwegians.

– We hope to offer vaccines in early 2021, when the pharmaceutical authorities have given their approval, Høie said.

Follow the vaccine race here.

The government has decided that vaccination against the coronavirus will be organized as part of the national vaccination program. This means that municipalities will have a duty to provide a vaccination offer to people who live or stay in the municipality, the press release adds.

MINISTER OF MINISTER: Health Minister Bent Høie (H) ahead of today’s report to the Storting on the status of the crown. Photo: Terje Pedersen

– The National Institute of Public Health and the Norwegian Health Directorate will ensure that vaccines and vaccination equipment are distributed to municipalities and health funds. That municipalities and hospitals are reimbursed for their costs to carry out vaccination is important to ensure prompt vaccination, Høie says in the press release.

It also appears that the state will cover the costs of any future compensation payments.

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Health Minister Høie also emphasized at the Storting that vaccines are very important, but that Norway is a small market of limited interest to major players in the pharmaceutical industry.

Collaborate with the EU

– We depend on cooperation with other countries. To ensure that the Norwegian population is vaccinated, we have chosen to cooperate with the EU, Høie said.

Norway is now covered by the EU vaccine strategy. Sweden will resell our proportionate share of vaccines on the same terms as EU countries.

– We want early access and invest in a wide portfolio of candidate vaccines, in the hope that at least one of them will be successful, said the Minister of Health.

Displace billions

He stressed that it is still unknown which vaccine is safe and effective.

“Before a vaccine is used, it must be approved by European pharmaceutical agencies who, among other things, evaluate efficacy, safety and efficacy,” Høie said.

He added that this does not mean that all side effects are eliminated.

In next year’s state budget, the government will spend almost NOK 6 billion on health-oriented corona measures, including around NOK 3.8 billion for advance agreements on vaccine delivery and vaccination.

The case is being updated.

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