Corona vaccine: approval process has started in Europe


The Oxford covid-19 vaccine has shown promising results for a long time. It has been developed by AstraZeneca in collaboration with the University of Oxford. The first approval process in Europe has already started, reports the Norwegian Medicines Agency on its website.

“Preliminary results from animal studies and limited human studies show that the vaccine provides a good immune response. Only large clinical trials with thousands of participants can show whether the vaccine protects against COVID-19. These studies are currently ongoing. . ”, Writes the Norwegian Medicines Agency on its website.

– This is good news and great news. All new data on the vaccine is continually being evaluated, Norwegian Medicines Agency Director Steinar Madsen tells TV 2, which first reported on the case.

If the European Medicines Agency concludes that the vaccine is safe and effective, it can be approved. This approval will apply to all of Europe.

Typically, approval of a vaccine takes longer, and pharmaceutical authorities often require a company to have all the data ready before the approval process can begin. When there is a serious threat to public health, authorities can evaluate study data on an ongoing basis. It is being done now.

In early September, AstraZeneca had to suspend clinical trials of the vaccines after a study participant contracted an unexplained illness. However, the tests were resumed a few days later.

It is not yet known whether the person who fell ill received the coronavirus vaccine or the placebo vaccine.

A recent survey that Ipsos conducted for Dagbladet shows that four out of six Norwegians are unwilling to get vaccinated against COVID-19 if it were available next week.
