Corona outbreak on a bus trip: – unique mutations that have not been seen before in Norway


About 100 cases of coronary heart disease are related to a bus trip with retirees in southern Norway in September. Health and Care Services Minister Bent Høie presented the coronavirus to the Storting on Tuesday and said the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) has performed tests on a number of samples related to the outbreak on the bus ride.

– The virus belongs to a genetic subgroup and has unique mutations that have not been seen before in Norway. One of them could possibly increase the virus’s ability to infect cells and thus make it somewhat more contagious, Høie said.

The six-day bus tour began on Tuesday, September 15. The tour group visited six lodges on the journey through eastern Norway, Dovre, and western Norway. The passengers came from Jæren and were between 67 and 84 years old.

Last week, FHI used the bus ride in its risk assessment as an example of how corona infection can spread.

– The round trip of a group of pensioners in southern Norway by bus has so far resulted in around a hundred cases, including almost all the passengers, coming from Rogaland. Five of those involved have been hospitalized so far, FHI wrote.

Monitoring the infection has revealed that passengers on their journey have likely led to local outbreaks in Lillehammer, Røros, Dombås, Førde and Norheimsund. A new infection from these outbreaks has occurred in Askvoll, Molde and Kristiansund.
