Corona infection has taken a bus in Namsos


The case is being updated.

– The municipality of Namsos claims that a person with a covid-19 infection has traveled with route 685 from Overhalla to Namsos in. 07:00 on Tuesday, November 3, AtB writes on their website.

The infection has been tracked and relevant passengers who have had close contact have been quarantined. In relation to other passengers on board the bus, the situation is considered clarified.

– We have received the results of the tests until Thursday November 5 inclusive, and all the tests are negative, writes the municipality of Namsos on their website.

A new senior high school student Olav Duun has been confirmed to be infected. The student, who is related to the previous case of contagion at school, lives in Overhalla. The infected person has had symptoms and has therefore been isolated.

The municipality of Overhalla confirms the case of infection on its website.

– The infected person has had symptoms, so he has been isolated and followed in recent days. The test performed was expected to confirm the suspicion of infection in all probability. In recent days, known close contacts of the now confirmed infected have been quarantined and tested. Further follow-up is being done and the test results are expected to be clarified shortly. Infection tracking is still ongoing, they write more.

This is the eighth case of infection in Overhalla in recent days. One of those infected was declared healthy on Friday and another three infected are expected to be declared healthy in the coming days.
