Corona, Coronavirus | Oslo infection rise high: – There are many indications that they should have adjusted earlier


Bent Høie is concerned about the growing corona infection in Oslo. He believes that the municipality should have been faster with measures that could have reduced the infection earlier.

– There are many indications that one should have pushed harder earlier in Oslo, and it is a lesson to take with you, Health Minister Bent Høie (H) tells NTB.

At the end of September, Oslo introduced several strict measures on the crown. Then, among other things, there was an order for bandages in public transport when it is not possible to maintain a distance of one meter and a limit of ten people in private meetings.

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It came after the infection in Oslo increased dramatically after the summer. At the same time, Høie had come out and threatened to invalidate the Oslo City Council if they did not introduce tougher measures to get rid of the infection.

The exception that does not confirm the rule.

However, the infection has increased even after the austerity measures. In the last two weeks of September, an average of 45 people in Oslo tested positive for the coronavirus every day. In the 14 days through Sunday of last week, there were an average of 52 positive samples per day.

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Therefore, on Monday, Councilman Raymond Johansen announced a series of new local crown adjustments. Soon after, the government introduced several new adjustments to the national crown, including removing the exemption from the quarantine obligation for foreign workers from the red EU countries.

Høie believes that new national measures can help curb the increase in infection that we have seen in Norway recently.

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– The increase in infection in Oslo after it hardened in late September is the exception. not confirm the rule. For all other places in Norway, the stricter measures have worked, Høie says.

Johansen: – It must not be opened to travel.

City council leader Raymond Johansen (Labor Party) responds to Bent Høie’s criticism that Oslo’s city council should have been toughened sooner.

– The government should not open up to travel to large parts of Europe this summer. And they should have toughened up much earlier against migrant workers. In hindsight, such examples are easy to find, says Johansen, continuing:

– Even I think that at this moment it does not have much interest. We will have to do the evaluation later. It is now important that we focus on what measures can have an effect based on the infection situation that we now see in Europe and Norway.

Health Minister Bent Høie emphasizes that he is satisfied with the crown measures that Oslo introduced on Monday.

– Oslo has followed to the letter the advice they have received with the measures they are introducing now, says Høie.
