Corona – Alarms: – Danger of death


– The situation has gradually worsened during the pandemic. Nursing homes are basically understaffed and have now experienced a need for staff far beyond what they can provide. Some nurse leaders describe it as no longer a crisis, but a disaster.

This is what the leader of the Norwegian Nurses Association, Lill Sverresdatter Larsen, says. In the last nine months, more and more colleagues have made contact. The situation they describe in the workplace is serious.

Larsen talks about shocking messages and phone calls from nurses and managers that describe an unsustainable work situation.

Calling members describe staff that are basically at a critically low level. Now they experience that they can no longer do their job.

LEADER: Lill Sverresdatter Larsen from the Norwegian Nurses Association.  Photograph: Bjørn Langsem / Dagbladet

MANAGER: Lill Sverresdatter Larsen from the Norwegian Nurses Association. Photograph: Bjørn Langsem / Dagbladet
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One nurse – 50 patients

– There are very few people, and what can be achieved is people with a lack of competence. When there is one nurse out of every 50 patients, it goes without saying that it is not enough. They describe situations where you don’t even get adequate care from patients. This means that they have reached the point that there is simply a danger to life and health, not only because of covid-19, but because they do not receive the care and attention that at least one should expect, says the Dagbladet leader.

On Friday, the association sent out a press release, in which they shouted warning of how critical it has now become. He paints a picture of the daily life of a patient who can no longer be described as worthy.

NOTIFIED: The messages show that there is also the fear of notifying.  Photo: screenshot

REALIZE: The messages show that there is also the fear of warnings. Photo: screenshot
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“In some places it is reported that patients die alone, without someone taking them by the hand lately. In some of our nursing homes, there are now both Spanish and Italian conditions,” the press release states.

Larsen says that what employees experience makes an incredibly strong impression on them.

NB! STRONG IMPRESSIONS: The American television channel CNN has had exclusive access to one of the three hospitals in New York that work exclusively with patients with corona. Video: CNN. Clip: Ørjan Ryland / Dagbladet
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Not enough to care for patients

– They feel like they don’t even have time to pick people up, remove urine and stool, help with confusion, pain, or breathing problems. Some quit, others get sick and are on sick leave, one said that he began to value the value of his own life. The accumulated charge is so enormous that it is difficult to put into words. The physical stress that most people can bear, but the mental is now at a completely unsustainable level, says the union leader, who is now calling for immediate action.

NOTIFIED: Lill Sverresdatter Larsen has reported a shortage of professional staff.  Photograph: Bjørn Langsem / Dagbladet

REALIZE: Lill Sverresdatter Larsen has reported a shortage of professional staff. Photograph: Bjørn Langsem / Dagbladet
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Larsen says the Norwegian Nurses Association has warned for years about a shortage of professionals. The situation with the corona pandemic has further exacerbated the problem.

ILLNESS LEAVE: Lill Sverresdatter Larsen says several of those who contact her are overworked and mentally struggling because of it.  Photo: screenshot

SICK LEAVE: Lill Sverresdatter Larsen says that several of those who contact her are overworked and are mentally struggling because of it. Photo: screenshot
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Now he is asking municipalities and authorities to get started quickly, to explore the possibility of developing their own response teams and having part-time employees fill full-time positions. The most important thing, according to the manager, is to quickly recruit enough personnel with experience in a complex field.

– We receive inquiries from both nurses and managers. They are worn out. They work double shifts, 15 hours a day, and are completely devastated. Right now it’s these nursing homes, but if the infection occurs regardless of the nursing home, the consequences will be about the same across the country, Larsen says.
