Corona: – 170 students in quarantine


All of the roughly 170 students in the six 10th grade at Majorstuen school in Oslo were abruptly placed in corona quarantine since last Friday due to a confirmed COVID-19 infection in a student and a student teacher at the school.

It was the Frogner school district superintendent who last Thursday sent the email about a positive COVID-19 test and quarantine to several hundred recipients, primarily students, parents, and employees.

Dagbladet receives confirmation of the email content, including the outbreak and quarantine, from the district.

On Tuesday, on the fifth day of quarantine, well into the school’s fall holiday, a new email reached the same large group, now from one of the Majorstuen school administration leaders.

I have no idea what Raymond was going to say

I have no idea what Raymond was going to say

– Now we have a new case of infection in the school, this time it is an employee who has been diagnosed with covid-19, and this is associated with the infection in the tenth step, it says in the update of the management of the school.

Quarantined parties

The school also has another message with a serious warning to students who are already in quarantine:

– In relation to further spread, it is also concerning that we have received reports that students in quarantine have participated in various parties this weekend. This is a clear violation of quarantine rules, and we are concerned about the consequences this will have in the future, the school administration writes.

OUT HARD: Councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor Party) introduces several aggravating measures for Oslo, but started the press conference by taking a hard line against Health Minister Bent Høie (H). Video: Andersen / Nyløkken Helseth / Rydning / DBTV
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Majorstuen school has around 1000 students and 150 employees.

On the school hotline Tuesday afternoon, Dagbladet is informed that Principal Katrine Sølvberg is the only one who will comment on the situation. The person in charge should report that Dagbladet wanted contact. Dagbladet has also tried calling the director directly.

The Chancellor has not provided comment or responded to a call from Dagbladet.

– More questions than answers

Oslo residents tighten their control

Oslo residents tighten their control

Several students and parents have approached Dagbladet about a situation that they believe raises more questions than answers.

On the Majorstuen school website, no information was posted Tuesday night about the quarantine or what happens with a widespread infection situation.

– It was good that information about the infection came out quickly just before the fall break. One of the others in the 10th grade, for example, was going to visit his sick grandmother in another part of the country. It was good that that visit was stopped with the quarantine, one of the quarantined 10th graders tells Dagbladet.

– Too immature to hold

Many counties can become

Many counties can turn “red”

– What do you think of the fact that fellow students in quarantine have participated in several parties, as it says in the last message?

– He’s very immature, very stupid. I don’t know who it is, but both students in quarantine and parents talk a lot about how many and who they can be. The lack of information creates uncertainty before the new school day on Monday, says the 10th grader.

He says that many people wonder about practical questions in the situation that arose suddenly, even if they can go for a walk.

– And many of us have spoken, both before and after the quarantine, whether it was prudent to put teacher training students into practice in the current infection situation. There were at least eight outside students in our class, says the tenth grader.
