Controversial Pharmacist Must Pay Giant Sum in Opioid Deal – E24


Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family have to shell out several billion crowns to eliminate the lawsuits.

The company produces the controversial pain reliever Oxycontin and has been accused of contributing to the opioid epidemic in the United States.

George Frey


The pharmaceutical company Purdue Pharma has pleaded guilty to three counts related to the distribution and marketing of opioids, according to a statement from the US Department of Justice.

The company produces the controversial opioid analgesic derivative Oxycontin and has been accused of contributing to the opioid epidemic in the United States.

In all, more than 450,000 Americans have been living in opioid-related deaths since 1999.

The United States Department of Justice has settled for the equivalent of 77 billion crowns. However, the company must pay a very small proportion of this immediately, as it is under bankruptcy protection while the lawsuits against it continue, writes the Wall Street Journal.

According to the Justice Department, most creditors want Purdue’s future earnings to go toward opioid addiction treatment in states and cities hit by the epidemic.

If the bankruptcy court accepts this proposal of the ministry, Purdue will only have to pay 225 million dollars, that is, about 2 billion crowns in case of bankruptcy.

Purdue owners, members of the Sackler family, will simultaneously pay the equivalent of NOK 2 billion to settle civil claims. The owners are still under investigation.

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Insulted opiate producer pays 2.3 billion in settlement
