Consumers Council suspects price cheating at 29 power companies


On Tuesday, the Consumer Council complained about 29 power companies to the Norwegian Consumer Agency. They believe that the companies have been involved in a huge price hoax as Norwegians are tricked into believing they have the cheapest electricity deal.

– We have revealed that the power companies are simply fooling people with a type of agreement that they call “purchase price agreements”, which are sold as ordinary spot agreements, that is, agreements that are recommended to people who choose more often, says Director Inger Lise Blyverket at the Consumer Council to VG.

The price of electricity has tripled!

The price of electricity has tripled!

Secret surcharge

According to Blyverket, these “purchase price agreements” are a kind of spot agreement where companies, in addition to the usual price supplements, also impose a secret supplement.

– You have to be extremely vigilant in order to figure out what constitutes the total price, says Blyverket.

The Consumers Council fears that the reach is greater than they have now been able to discover.

Crazy Electricity Prices: - Unique

Crazy Electricity Prices: – Unique

“The big three”

Power companies Fjordkraft, Norges Energi and Agva Kraft are the three largest companies out of a total of 29 that are now complaining, according to VG.

– Almost a third of the market players have this type of agreement. Even the two largest companies, Fjordkraft and Norges Energi, which like to present themselves as the serious alternatives, mislead customers in this way, Blyverket says.

She points out that Fjordkraft has five different types of purchase price agreements, and that their spot agreement can quickly look like the cheapest on the market, but when we add the surcharge to the invoice, this does not match the agreement that was promised first at the time. consumer.

VG has contacted the three aforementioned power companies about the Consumer Council accusations. All companies respond that they are waiting for a response from the Norwegian Consumer Agency, but that they are concerned about following the laws and regulations in force for the sale of electricity.

Payment insurance: - This insurance is worth zero.

Payment insurance: – This insurance is worth zero.

More energy price deals, but beware of the pitfalls!

Dinside has long written cases on electricity prices and various electricity settlements.

In general, the level of electricity prices is low these days, although it has increased somewhat in recent weeks. And through Strø’s overview you can get pretty cheap deals lasting up to half a year.

You can lock in “super low” electricity prices in two ways:

  • Switching from your electricity supplier to one of the companies with offers
  • Or by signing an agreement with an electric company with a price match, and getting them to match one of the cheapest offers.

However, no matter how you get one of the good deals, you need to be careful what happens when the offer period ends. Then it can be automatically placed in a spot price agreement as not it is particularly beneficial. If you are dissatisfied with the agreement that ends after the offer period, you must switch electric companies again or get a new price match.

You should also avoid by all means signing an electricity contract through street sales or “without a prescription”, such as in the electronics store:
