– Consumer for children – VG


CHILDREN SUPPORT THE GARDEN: Tom Hagen’s children believe that Anne-Elisabeth Hagen has been kidnapped and that he is innocent in the case. Photo: Private

Tom and Anne-Elisabeth Hagen’s children are “certain that their father did not kill the mother and cheated the police.” “They know the marriage and what kind of family they have been,” says development attorney Ståle Kihle.

More than a year and a half has passed since Anne-Elisabeth Hagen’s last sure sign of life. On Thursday, the district court ruled that police should still be able to carry out investigations into the home of the murdered Tom Hagen, despite the fact that he was released.

“The children believe that the mother was kidnapped and that her father is completely innocent of what she is accused of,” Hagen’s child welfare lawyer Ståle Kihle told VG.


– What is the reason for this?

– The children are sure that their father did not kill the mother and cheat the police. They stay with the kidnapped mother, a letter about the rescue with clear warnings about what to do and what not to do, it is clear in the letter how the family has been supervised and where some of them are mentioned by name, he says and continues:

– For them, this is real. For them, their mother was likely kidnapped this October, says Kihle.

Background: The disappearance of Lørenskog month by month

BELIEVE IN THE KIDNAPPING: Ståle Kihle, Hagen’s child care lawyer, says he believes the police should target the “counterpart” and not the father of his clients. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix

More than two weeks have passed since his father was arrested and charged with murder or complicity in the murder of his own wife. He was released just over a week later because the Court of Appeal found that the police evidence did not provide the alleged reasonable grounds to suspect him.

The garden has consistently refused to have anything to do with the disappearance of his wife or a possible murder. Early Thursday, the Lower Roman District Court ruled that police can continue to investigate the Hagen residence, despite protests by defender Svein Holden.

In the ruling, the district court writes that they believe there are reasonable reasons to suspect that a murder may have occurred and that it may have happened at the couple’s home. Therefore, the billionaire still cannot return home.

– These children know their father

The child aid lawyer tells VG that they believe that most police resources are devoted to investigating Tom Hagen, and asks him how much time the police have wasted.

– Do you think the mother is alive?

– They wait, and that hope they live for. But they are also realistic after so long. The only basis they have received from the police that has been so long is time and lack of evidence of life. But they know that there has been communication with the other party. They ask: How long did the police spend investigating Tom Hagen? Time I could have spent exploring this on the right track. It is devastating for children, says the aid attorney.

– Why do you think it is wrong to point to danger?

– These children know their father. They know their mother. They know marriage and what kind of family they have been.

LOST: Anne-Elisabeth Hagen went missing in October 2018. Since then there have been no signs of her life. Friends and family describe her as “kind” and “loving”. Photo: Private

Believe the police should focus on the other side

– What does the family police think?

– It is easy to answer and difficult to answer, both for the family and for me. The simple answer is that the police should investigate this case as it stands, that is, a disappearance, and probably a kidnapping case. Where Tom Hagen has nothing to do with this. You must focus on the fact that there is a real counterpart that has been out there. What investigative steps have been and have not been made, I have no idea. We believe that most resources have agreed to investigate Tom Hagen.

Last week, a man in his 30s was arrested and charged in the case, first for murder or complicity in the murder of Anne-Elisabeth Hagen, but the charge was later changed to request the kidnapping. He also denies the criminal charges.

LONG MARRIAGE: Anne-Elisabeth and Tom Hagen had been married for almost 50 years when she disappeared. Children believe that it is wrong to kill the father. “They know the marriage and what kind of family they have been,” says their assistant attorney. Photo: Private

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Family and friends about Anne-Elisabeth Hagen: – A beautiful person

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– What does the family think that no new messages have been received from the alleged counterpart since July 8 of last year?

– They have no idea what to think. This is just speculation.

– What do your clients think the police should do now?

– That the police should investigate this case for what it is, a kidnapping case, and not waste time chasing the father of my clients. It is a waste of valuable time, says Kihle.

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