Construction site in Drammen closes after extensive corona outbreak – VG


ILLUSTRATION: This is an illustration image of a construction site in Trondheim. Photo: Gorm Kallestad

Client JM Norway confirms that, in consultation with the Drammen municipal chief on Monday, they decided to shut down the Eplegården construction site on the outskirts of the city center due to a corona eruption.


– I do not have a complete overview of the number of infected and so on here and now, but it is true that we have closed a construction site due to several cases after a good dialogue with the infection control team in Drammen, says the director from Kjell Kvarekvål to VG.

Infection control doctor Einar Sagberg says there have been 28 positive cases related to the work so far.

– We are continually working to get an overview of the outbreak, but it’s a bit challenging because you work in a lot of different municipalities here. The latest update is that there are 28 positive cases related to the outbreak and about 90 tests that we have not yet responded to, he says.

He says there is currently no suspicion that it is the British crown variant, but that it cannot be ruled out either.

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– So far, we have examined the test for one person and received confirmation that it was not the British variant. But when we have a large outbreak, there is a certain reservation that there may be several sources of infection. We have sent serial samples for sequencing of this outbreak, Sagberg says.

It says an underlying contractor informed the municipality of an outbreak on January 19, which was handled separately. Then, before the weekend, positive samples came in from another part of the project.

– So there can be two different outbreaks, says Sagberg, who adds that it’s a great job to get an overview and control the outbreak.

He also praises the contractor for their good cooperation.

– It is a challenge with such a large construction site because people live in many municipalities. First we must bring information to the affected municipalities, then there are some that are tested in other municipalities from which we must obtain information, says Sagberg.
