Construction fight: – Doubt his «castle in the air»


A red painted house in Kveldsroveien in Stabekk in Bærum has created deep frustration among some residents of the local community.

The owner of the house is lawyer Bjørn Soltvedt, who bought the property in 1993 for NOK 1,250,000. According to Budstikka, who was the first to mention the case, Soltvedt established a dialogue with the municipality in 2006 to begin an extension process.

15 years later, and ten years after the permit was granted, the house is still waiting for expansion.

HIGHLIGHTS: The home owner first received a building permit from the municipality in 2011. Neighbors complain about the lack of progress.  Photograph: Bjørn Langsem / Dagbladet

HIGHLIGHTS: The home owner first received a building permit from the municipality in 2011. Neighbors complain about the lack of progress. Photograph: Bjørn Langsem / Dagbladet
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– “Shame the area”

The lack of progress has stirred the minds of some. In a complaint to the municipality, one of the neighbors writes that the property “has been maintained as a construction well for 10-15 years.”

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Soltvedt strongly rejects it. However, residents are complaining about stubborn development plans and demanding that action be taken.

When he himself “spoils the area” and has done so for decades, and doubts his “castle in the air” that is never realized, such an argument does not fit. Great “, is stated in one of the letters of complaint to the municipality.

Oslo Børs has contacted Bjørn Soltvedt, who does not wish to comment on the matter. Refers to the answer given to the municipality of Bærum (See below in the case).

DISAGREE WITH MUNICIPALITY: Owner believes extensive work has been done on property.  Photograph: Bjørn Langsem / Dagbladet

DISAGREEMENT WITH THE MUNICIPALITY: The owner believes that extensive work has been done on the property. Photograph: Bjørn Langsem / Dagbladet
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Another neighbor has also approached the municipality and points out that: “In Kveldsroveien, a large crater has been dug or blown up and is standing and open. It’s been like this for a long time and I wonder when it will fill up again or something to do with it. It looks so sad and destroys an otherwise pretty street. », is named.

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Høiness in court after a housing dispute

– Timed out

The conflict has been going on for a long time.

The municipality of Bærum has notified Soltvedt that the building permit it received in 2011 has expired. The assessment of the building administrator is that the measure has been interrupted for more than two years and, therefore, it is necessary to apply for a new permit.

“The municipality refers to the Planning and Construction Law (pbl.) § 21-9, and will hereby inform that the permit granted in this case of construction has expired, as a result of the suspension of the measure for more than 2 years”., writes the municipality.

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– The biggest bribe in history

Strike back

Soltvedt acknowledges that there has been a delay in the work, but does not agree with the municipality.

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“Several thousand cubic meters of rock has been blown up, nailed down and ejected, as well as other work done on the ground in connection with this, and the work has been going quite evenly and steadily. There has been a delay in the work, but not so much that it may imply the expiration or revocation of the permits granted “., writes the lawyer to the municipality.

MUST BE DEMOLITATED: In 2016, presenter Jannecke Weeden visited Chateau Diter along with real estate agent Fredrik Lilloe. The building cost NOK 556 million, but now it must be demolished. Video: TV3
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No warranty

According to the director of the building in the municipality of Bærum, Alexander Hexeberg Dahl, the project will now be re-evaluated in accordance with current regulations. However, you cannot guarantee that new permissions will be granted if changes have occurred in the meantime.

– The function of this rule of law is to give effect to subsequent changes, in the development of society and the plan, in projects that take a long time to complete, Dahl tells local newspapers.

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The cottage owners thunder toward the playground

In a letter, Soltvedt indicates that he is open to dialogue and discussion with the municipality. Also, it makes a claim in the case:

“If the municipality really is of the opinion that the permits previously granted can and should be revoked, or the municipality for other reasons wishes to oppose its completion of the preliminary works, the correct procedure for the municipality will be according to the provisions general administrative The basic principles of the law make a decision about it one way or another ».
