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President Donald Trumps had a high fever and his oxygen levels are said to have dropped twice. But now you must be on the road to recovery.

– The president’s condition has improved, his doctor Sean P. Conley said at a press conference in front of Walter Reed military hospital on Sunday afternoon Norwegian time.

President Donald Trump (74) confirmed early Friday morning Norwegian time that he and first lady Melania had tested positive for covid-19.

He was placed under surveillance on Saturday night Norwegian time.

I have oxygen

Conley claimed that Trump’s blood oxygen saturation dropped twice, but at no point was it measured below 90 percent.

The president’s doctor said Trump had a high fever and was exhausted Friday morning.

– He was concerned about the development of the disease and recommended that we try to give him oxygen. But he was pretty sure he didn’t need it, Conley said.

Trump should still have been given oxygen. After a few minutes, the oxygen saturation in the blood was back above 94 percent, according to Conley.

It was not confirmed at the press conference if the president received oxygen when the level dropped on Saturday.

Dr. Shaun Dooley said Trump has not had a fever since Friday.

– He doesn’t complain about being short of breath and moves without restriction, said Dooley.

DOCTORS: President Sean P. Conley’s physician answers questions Sunday. Photo: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI / AFP

Brian Garibaldi, another of Trump’s doctors, said the president received his second dose of Remdesivir on Saturday night. Doctors plan to give Remdesivir for five days.

Remdesivir inhibits the multiplication of the virus and shortens the course of the disease.

Treated with steroids

Trump’s doctors added that he is also being treated with a steroid called dexamethasone after the oxygen saturation in his blood dropped a couple of times.

According to the BBC, dexamethasone reduces inflammation that can be triggered by coronary infection in the lungs and prevents the immune system from racing.

– Today feels good. We plan to give him food and drink and keep him out of bed as much as possible, Dr. Garibaldi said at the press conference.

It was Garibaldi who reported on the discharge plans.

– The fact is that he is doing very well. And if all goes well, we’ll start planning for discharge and get him back to the White House, Conley said.

SATURDAY: President Trump is reportedly working on a document while in hospital. Photo: JOYCE N. BOGHOSIAN / The White House

The press conference on Saturday ended in total confusion. Subsequently, the president’s doctor had to correct the information he himself had given about which day Trump tested positive.

After the press conference, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows described the situation on Friday as “very disturbing” and said the next 48 hours were “critical.”

Furious with the chief of staff

Meadows was initially an anonymous source, but was later identified by various US outlets.

US media reported Sunday that Donald Trump had been furious at Meadows, describing the presidents’ health as worse than the White House would admit.

On Sunday, Dr. Conley explained why he had refused the day before to confirm that Trump had received an oxygen supply to the White House on Friday.

– I tried to reflect the optimistic attitude that the president and his team had about the disease. It came out as if we were trying to hide something, but that was not the intention, Conley said at the press conference.

The White House released photos Sunday showing Trump working on documents in the presidential suite at Walter Reed Military Hospital.

– feels much better

They gave him an experimental cocktail of antibodies the same day, but he was rushed to the hospital outside of Washington DC on Saturday night.

American media reports that the obese 74-year-old president is said to have been given oxygen before he was sent to the hospital because he was having trouble breathing.

In a video posted to Twitter on Saturday night Norwegian time, Trump stated:

– I came here and I didn’t feel so good. I feel so much better now.

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