– Consideration of dividing Norway into infection zones – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


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Guldvog tells NRK today that one of the measures may be to divide the country into different infection zones.

The health authorities will analyze whether they should do much of what the Danes decided today.

New zoning system in Denmark

Denmark is introducing a new system consisting of five different risk levels, which will divide the country into different corona zones. Because also in Denmark infection rates are increasing considerably.

According to Danish Health Minister Magnus Heunicke, the advantage of a zoning system is that as levels of danger in areas rise or fall, it will be possible to adapt the different levels of risk with local corona measures.

Mette Frederiksen and Magnus Heunicke.

Denmark’s Health Minister Magnus Heunicke together with Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.

Photo: Martin Sylvest / AP

Once a week in the future, the Danish authorities will determine a given level of risk at both national and regional level.

– Restlessness about the development of an infection

Health director Bjørn Guldvog says health authorities are uneasy in this country too.

– In the last days, there are around a thousand infected and we have to see where we should tighten the requirements to reverse the negative trend of infection, he says.

He is aware that it will be difficult to communicate with the population if the measures vary between areas such as those that Denmark now introduces.

– We have not considered limiting travel opportunities for Norwegians between the zones, says Guldvog when asked by NRK.

– It can be difficult to tell Norwegians if there will be different measures in different municipalities. Now we will spend some time finding out if the Danish zoning system can be adapted to a Norwegian model.

– It is important to be ahead

The Danish Health Minister believes that the zoning system will serve Denmark in the fight against the pandemic.

– Create clarity on the level of risk. It will provide more transparency on the professional health reasons behind the level of infection, says Health Minister Magnus Heunicke.

– Scary scenarios surround us in Europe. It emphasizes the importance of being ahead of the pandemic, and the alert system will contribute to that, he says.

The new system in Denmark was announced after authorities registered 1,126 new cases of infection in the last 24 hours, which is the highest recorded in a day in the country.

– November will be absolutely crucial to control the infection, says Health Minister Heunicke.
