Congress Agrees to Crown Crisis Package – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


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At the same time that more people are dying each day than during the 9/11 terrorist attack in the US, politicians in Washington have been unable to agree on a crisis package that can help the many who are seriously ill. affected by the corona pandemic.

Until tonight.

On Twitter, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Americans no longer have to fight the coronavirus alone.


– Congress has just reached an agreement. We will adopt a new crisis package as soon as possible. More help is on the way, he writes, among other things.

So help is finally on the way for both the business community and the American population. The House of Representatives is expected to vote on the proposal today, before the Senate does the same, the AP news agency reported.

Trump avoids closure

In order not to stop funding for the entire state apparatus, which expires at midnight on Monday, the House of Representatives has approved an emergency solution for funding in the meantime.

To be sure, President Donald Trump also issued a presidential order last night preventing a shutdown. Which would have made the crisis in Washington worse.

Huge value

The crisis package contains funds to cover the costs of delivering the vaccine.

Most Americans receive a check for $ 600. The unemployed receive an additional $ 300 per week for 10 weeks. The business community, for its part, will receive crisis aid worth $ 300 billion.

$ 25 billion will go to help people with rent, $ 15 billion to theaters and other venues, $ 82 billion to schools and universities, and $ 10 billion to child care.

The package has a value of around 900 billion dollars, which corresponds to just over 7.730 billion crowns. By comparison, the Norwegian state budget is NOK 1,443 million.

However, Democrats would rather have even more.

In a letter to her colleagues, Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic Majority Leader in the House of Representatives, writes that the package is a first step and that more help will come when Joe Biden takes office.

Long awaited package

The crisis package will be Congress’s first major package since the massive $ 1.8 trillion CARES package was unanimously adopted in March, when the pandemic began.

That package meant an additional $ 600 for the unemployed a week and a direct payment of $ 1,200 for everyone. It also had a clause that prohibited people from being evicted from their homes if they did not pay their rent, and the unemployed received $ 300 in ours for 16 weeks, not 10.

But the package expired this summer and since then it has not been possible to adopt a new one. Although Trump was partially intent on a new package, Republicans in Congress held back for a longer time due to skepticism about expensive new programs. They only wanted to agree on around 700 billion.

Democrats, for their part, demanded a package of at least $ 2 billion, which must include programs to support state and local governments.

Money until September

Although support schemes for individuals have been cut, the total cost of the package that Congress agrees to is higher than the CARES package.

Korona’s aid is actually combined with $ 1.4 trillion in funding from the state apparatus. In addition, funds are provided for, among other things, health, infrastructure and education, as well as for the introduction of some fiscal measures.

Thus, the US state apparatus can maintain operations until September.
