Complained of racism corona: dead


Susan Moore caused a stir in the United States when she thought she was being a racist while being treated for the coronavirus before Christmas.

Moore himself was a doctor, and several US outlets report that Moore died of the virus on Christmas Eve.

The 52-year-old man posted several videos on Facebook from his hospital bed that received a lot of attention and were captured by the national media in the United States.

The first video was released on December 4. Here, Moore claimed that the delays in treatment and diagnosis at the hospital were motivated by the color of her skin.

Requires Trump dagger in the back

Requires Trump dagger in the back

Moore also complained of severe neck pain, but was denied painkillers by a white doctor. This upset her and described a condescending and stigmatizing attitude on the part of the doctor.

– I was devastated. It made me feel like a drug addict and knew that I was a doctor. I don’t use drugs, I was in pain, Moore said in a video.

– If it was white, I would not have had to go through this, he added.

USA Today writes that Moore returned to the hospital only 12 hours after being discharged. On the second admission, she chose another hospital and was more satisfied with the treatment.

– Those people tried to kill me. Obviously I was discarded too early, Moore wrote of treatment on first admission.

All consequences are removed

All consequences are removed

Moore was first admitted to Indiana University Health, and the hospital denies any allegations of mistreatment or treatment on racist grounds.

Moore leaves behind a child, her 19-year-old son. He tells The New York Times that his mother thought about the welfare of others until recently.

She had been completely dependent on a respirator for breathing since last Friday.

– If you want to fight, this is the time to fight. But if you have to go, then I understand, write the diary that the son told his mother when the deathbed approached.

Two days later, his heart stopped beating.
