Compared headwind to cycling club – E24


The chief financial officer of the anti-wind organization Motvind resigns, saying he has not had access to a single report from the board since this spring. – Sad when someone doesn’t see the difference between a sewing club and a national interest organization.

Illustration image of the Guleslettene wind farm near Florø in the municipality of Kinn in Vestland county.

Kjetil Malkenes Hovland, E24


Recently, internal conflicts have arisen at Motvind, which works against wind power.

On Monday, CFO Jan Warberg at Motvind left the day, having worked there since April. Warberg is not formally employed by Motvind, but the organization has purchased services from his company.

E24 knows the content of Warberg’s resignation.

“I don’t have the health to continue this with a meeting / or lack of meeting,” he writes.

“The plate has totally failed during the period I have been here. I have not been given access [ett] single control document. This is official information in such an organization, “writes Warberg.

E24 has contacted the CFO. He does not want to comment on the case.

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I strid

Motvind’s board must have decided to remove the role of general secretary. Rune Haaland, who has this job, believes that it is up to the national assembly to eliminate this role, and not the board.

Haaland has called a national meeting in Motvind on November 14, although this is the job of the board. The board has asked members to ignore Haaland’s notice and warns that it will convene an extraordinary national meeting on October 31.

The board should also have decided to buy out the board chairman, E claim Salen, two days a week, to be acting chairman of the board, according to documents E24 has seen. Under Motvind’s bylaws, board fees must be approved by the national assembly.

The management at Motvind, including CFO Warberg and Secretary General Haaland, say they haven’t seen anything in the board minutes in the past six months and that they have done their demanding job.

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– Cycling club

In the dismissal, the CFO expresses that it has been difficult for him to do his job without knowing what the board of directors has decided.

“I cannot be part of an organization that is NOT governed by board decisions; I have not received ONE board decision since I started in April,” he writes.

“It’s sad when someone doesn’t see the difference between a sewing club and a national interest organization,” adds Warberg.

In the firing, Warberg also asks for documentation that Secretary General Rune Haaland has been removed.

“There are no valid decisions to remove the secretary general, even though I have urged the board on this, so he is active in [det administrative verktøyet] Styreweb again, “writes Warberg.

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“Payment is empty immediately”

E24 wrote on Monday that Secretary General Rune Haaland feared bankruptcy in Motvind. This is compatible with internal emails E24 has seen.

This weekend, Warberg wrote an email to board members, in which he noted that they have a responsibility when management does not receive the information it needs to do its job.

“If someone on the board orders the other members not to respond, or not to give information, this is a matter that can quickly end in the bankruptcy of the organization in a few days,” wrote the CFO.

He noted that he cannot manage Motvind’s finances based on what individual members claim has happened in meetings, without any documentation. Warberg writes that he perceives that “the board is collectively opposed to the organization.”

Motvind’s board vice chairman Harald Kjelstad says it’s not a good thing that management doesn’t have access to board controls.

– No, of course, Kjelstad tells E24.

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– Hold on now

Motvind’s vice chairman of the board cannot say where the board minutes are or why Motvind Norway’s CFO has not had access to them.

– Actually, I don’t know anything about that. It is not me who saves the protocols and enters them, says Kjelstad.

– But do they exist?

– Yes, at least for a good period. The protocol documentation and archiving function has not been our main task, but now we are taking a step to put this in order, says Kjelstad.

– Without access to minutes, is it difficult to manage the organization, according to the finance manager?

– It is funny. It amazes me. I have informed you orally. Then ask for well signed protocols. Rune Haaland will enter the protocols into the system. He has participated in meetings and kept minutes for the board, except for the September 14 meeting, Kjelstad says.

Motvind Norway’s general secretary Rune Haaland informs E24 that he has not kept minutes for the meeting since February. Since then, according to Haaland, the responsibility lies with the president of the council, E Vind Salen. According to Haaland, Salen has not entered any protocols in the Motvind files during this time.

The court refers E24 to Kjelstad for an answer.

– CFO compares Motvind to a sewing club. What do you say to that?

– I can’t comment on that, says Kjelstad.

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