Clash of the jump week: cannot participate


The 69th edition of Hoppuka has received its first positive coronate test. Pole Klemens Muranka tested positive when he and the other Polish jumpers arrived in Germany this weekend.

For a long time it was uncertain what would happen. But on Monday morning it was clear:

Now, no Polish jumper can take part in the inaugural race in Oberstdorf, which begins with qualifying this afternoon.

Frustrated and disappointed

Frustrated and disappointed

– It is very sad. Sorry for the Polish team. We know how much work they have put in before the season, and especially Hoppuka, to fight for victory, says Norway’s coach Alexander Stöckl.

– I think this is very sad, says Norwegian favorite Halvor Egner Granerud.

This means that one of his fiercest rivals at Hoppuka, Kamil Stoch, may forget the overall winner, even if he participated in the last three races.

The positive test was announced yesterday afternoon. The Poles live in the same hotel as the Norwegians in Oberstdorf, but they haven’t shown up all morning. The decision is a disaster for the mad nation. German health authorities define all Polish jumpers as close contacts of Muranka.

– Poland has been very strong in recent years and won several times. They have a very good starting point. And then they are not allowed to participate for such reasons. It’s uncomfortable, says Stöckl.

Don't forget the scare

Don’t forget the scare

– Considering the entire family of jumpers, it is without a doubt a wise decision. The authorities have spent a long time. Muranka tested positive yesterday. I think they spent the whole night deciding what to do. This is a loss for the entire jumper family.

What happens to the rest of Hoppuka is currently unclear.

According to IDF covid protocol, Muranka and her roommate were to be quarantined after testing positive. Now the German health authorities have decided that the entire team will not be allowed to participate in the first race.

Reveal the drama of the jumps

Reveal the drama of the jumps

– I think this is the right thing to do if the authorities have fallen in love, says Granerud.

– I support the health decision. And that is the most important. But it will be a great fault.

The case is being updated!
