“Christmas Soda” Flavored Christmas Juice – Giant Juice Hit:


Two months ago, Orkla launched Christmas juice flavored with “Christmas soda flavor” as it is called.

Now it will be well done to find just one of the 83,000 bottles Orkla produced. The light and fun juice has been ripped off the shelves at a formidable rate.

– Who came up with the idea of ​​the “Christmas soda” flavor?

– Haha! Yes, it was Hilde with us who came up with the idea. She should get the credit!

That’s what Ingrid Sanfelt Hansen says. She is the product group manager and leads the team that works for Fun-light.

Hilde, yes. Let me guess, do you have children?

– Has three! And it’s no wonder your kids love Christmas sodas. They are not alone in that, says Sanfelt Hansen.

CHRISTMAS INVENTOR: Hilde Myhre is working on flavor development for FunLight.  And this time, she hit the spot.  Photo: Private

CHRISTMAS INVENTOR: Hilde Myhre is working on flavor development for FunLight. And this time, it has hit the nail on the head. Photo: Private
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– When you first came up with the idea, it wasn’t a long journey to create the flavor itself. That same day, Hilde presented a Christmas soda-flavored juice to the rest of the group.

And how did it go?

– We realized we had a winner. Everyone on the Fun-light team loved it. And when we send samples …

– Send samples …?

– Yes, we have people around with whom we try new flavors. And the response was absolutely overwhelming.

– So you guys on the Fun-light team aren’t as surprised as the networks and directors by the formidable success?

– Haha! You can not say that. We are very proud of this, in fact.

Can you reveal something you are working on now?

– Heh-heh … No, but it’s just to enjoy. We have a fun team that is constantly working to find great flavors.

It’s not enough to do more

– The sale may indicate that people may start Christmas a little earlier this year, says Elisabeth Aandstad Ekheim. She is the director of communications for Orkla.

– In general, we can say that sugar-free drinks are a megatrend. We know that holiday products can go very well, but the response has been overwhelming. I think both us and the chains have been put to bed here!

Have you experienced similar success?

– At my feet, I do not remember having come across anything similar. It’s a lot of fun when, as far as I know, we’re the first to release juice with a Christmas soda flavor.

THE SUCCESS OF GLA: Elisabeth Aandstad Ekheim is very happy with the success of Christmas Eve and promises to double production next year.  Photo: Orkla

GLA SUCCESS: Elisabeth Aandstad Ekheim is very satisfied with the success of Christmas Eve and promises to double the production next year. Photo: Orkla
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For anyone curious about this year’s Christmas hit, Aandstad Ekheim has no good news:

– Unfortunately, we will not be able to produce more. We are now fully committed to producing next year’s flavors. But at least we can promise to do more next year!
