Child abuse, rape | Grandfather convicted of aggravated assault on grandson


The mother saw small signs that something was wrong, but the pieces only fell into place when the child spoke to a person at school.

That is what the boy’s mother said in the Oslo District Court. There, his father was sentenced to six years in prison and to pay 250,000 kroner in restitution to his grandson.

Among the aggravating circumstances, the district court writes that the abuse took place while the boy was alone with his grandfather in the cabin and that, therefore, he was the child’s sole caretaker.

The 70-year-old man denies any criminal guilt and the case has been appealed, his defender, lawyer Bjørn Erik Rødser, tells Nettavisen.

Counted at school

The abuse allegedly took place between 2014 and 2017 when the boy went to kindergarten and in the early stages of elementary school. Then he was cared for by his grandfather on several occasions. He was also with Grandpa in his vacation cabin.

The case became known when in 2019 he told about the abuse of a person at school. When the mother was informed of what her son had said, she went to the police.

Only the child’s explanation is evidence in the case. The Oslo District Court writes in the ruling that his explanation of the abuse appears to be sober and nuanced, qualifying the various incidents and correcting the cross-examination if anything he has said is reproduced incorrectly.

Read the previous abuse case: Male (55) reported for violence at 16 years. Later, the police made a disturbing discovery on the man’s PC.

It is evident that it is difficult and shameful for him to tell what happened. The court has no doubt that NN describes incidents experienced by oneself, says at trial.

NN emphasizes several times that the defendant did not force him or threaten him, but only did what was asked of him, without thinking about it. He seems ashamed of this and thinks he should have done something differenthe says at trial.

Had taken the grandson

In the Oslo District Court, the grandfather has explained that there has been sexual contact between him and the grandson on a couple of occasions.

Sometimes the child had been an active part, says the grandfather. Then he asked where the boy had learned these actions. Then he told her it was from other guys at the leisure club he went to. In court, the grandfather said that he had explained to the grandson that he should never do it again and that these actions were not for children.

The grandfather also explained that he had touched the boy once, but then not in a sexual context. It is also said that he showed his grandson how he could get an erection.

Also read: Snapchat and child abuse are the subject of several lawsuits

He has admitted that he had asked the boy not to talk about the incidents with anyone, but claims that he had told his then-partner some episodes. However, she said in court that she had not heard the man say about this.

The grandfather believes that the child has fabricated the stories and the abuse, and has pointed out that the child has also spoken incorrectly in other contexts.

The district court believes that the child has had no reason to lie, but instead has lost the opportunity to be in the grandfather’s cabin, which he liked, by recounting the abuse.

– Pieces fell into place

In court, the boy’s mother said “the pieces fell into place when the case was revealed regarding the above conduct.”

The mother told the court that the boy had gradually developed worse behavior before starting school. It coincides with the moment the abuses began. She also said that as a child she had been exposed to cross-border behavior by her father on a few occasions.

In court, the mother said that the son liked being in his grandfather’s cabin, but did not want to celebrate Christmas with him for Christmas 2018. She said that the grandfather’s winter was not so kind and that the grandfather had “had sex” with him. The son had also come up with other sexually charged expressions.

When she (her mother, editor’s note) asked the defendant what this was, the defendant said this is how the boys said when to take care of themselves, and she accepted that explanation at the time.he says at the trial.


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