Charlie Hebdo with Erdogan cartoon on the cover


Turkey is furious at the French satire magazine Charlie Hebdo, which has a cartoon of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the cover of its latest issue.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is not happy to have appeared on the cover of the French satire magazine Charlie Hebdo, in cartoon form. Photo: AP / NTB

– President Macron’s anti-Muslim agenda has paid off! Charlie Hebdo has just published a series of alleged drawings filled with disgusting images that are supposed to depict the president, Erdogan’s press manager Fahrettin Altun tweets.

– We condemn the very egregious attempt by this publication to spread cultural racism and hatred, it continues.

The cartoon on the cover of the French magazine shows Erdogan in briefs and a T-shirt and holding a can of beer in his hand, while lifting up his skirt and showing the bare buttocks of a hijab-wearing woman.

The drawing is the magazine’s comment on the war of words that erupted between Erdogan, Macron and other European leaders after the assassination of French teacher Samuel Paty in Paris last week.

Paty was killed by an 18-year-old Chechen man after showing students a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad printed in Charlie Hebdo.
