Center Party, Labor Party | More people love Vedum than Støre as prime minister


More people want SP leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum as prime minister than Labor leader Jonas Gahr Støre, according to a poll in Dagbladet.

In the poll, Ipsos asked who Norwegians want as prime minister if the Labor Party and the Center Party end up in government after next year’s elections.

47 percent of those polled answered Vedum, while only 43 percent think Støre should become prime minister. Among those who say they will vote for SV, Ap or Sp in the next election, the majority also respond that they want Vedum as prime minister. He gets 49 percent, while Støre gets 48 percent.

Vedum can also enjoy a good result in the party poll. Here, the Center Party has risen 2.6 percentage points to 17.8 percent.

It is 1.7 percentage points behind the Labor Party, which falls 2.9 percentage points to 19.5 percent. This is the worst result for the Labor Party in an Ipsos poll.

The Conservatives are the largest party with a support of 22.3 percent. Despite this, the poll would have yielded only 69 seats for government parties and the FRP.

The Labor Party, the Socialist People’s Party and the Socialist People’s Party get 81 in total, and not a majority either. Therefore, the red greens depend on the MDG or Red shocks, which are above the barrier limit.

Percentage of support for parties (change from September in parentheses):

Right: 22.3 (-0.4), Labor: 19.5 (-2.9), Es: 17.8 (2.3), Frp: 12.7 (-1.2), SV : 6.3 (-2.1), Red: 5.4 (1.8), ODM: 4.7 (1.2), KrF: 3.7 (-0.9) and Left: 2.6 (- 1.0).

The survey was conducted by Ipsos for Dagbladet in week 43. 1,000 people have been asked.

(© NTB)
