Celebrity, Mads Hansen | Celebrities come up to see and hear:


It was tough against See and Hear on Instagram. This is the opinion of the ethics experts of the press.

On Friday, it emerged that influencers and former soccer players are complaining to Se og Hør to the Professional Press Committee (PFU) for violating Vær varsom’s poster, after the weekly magazine wrote a four-page report on him.

Subsequently, various celebrities went down and messaged Hansen, who he later posted on Instagram. Among other things, comedian Lisa Tønne, host Nicolay Ramm and former skier Thomas Alsgaard have criticized the weekly.

Hansen reacts in particular to the fact that the weekly, according to him, has taken a photo of his house, without him noticing. He says he has not been contacted for comment on the case and reacts strongly to the fact that Se og Hør has written that he does not want to comment on the case.

Must document contact

On Instagram, Hansen writes that he was not contacted regarding the report, while Se og Hør’s editor-in-chief, Ulf André Andersen, told VG that they had tried to contact him. The online newspaper has spoken with two experts in press ethics to learn their assessment of the case:

– I cannot take a position on this exactly, since there are two accusations between them of which we do not know the answer, but in principle it is important to say that if you are exposed, you should be contacted. If you don’t want to talk, you have to put up with being referred, says Gunnar Bodahl-Johansen.

Read also: Mads Hansen rages against Seeing and hearing: – Pure lie

Trygve Aas Olsen explains that if Se og Hør writes that they have tried to contact Hansen, then they should be able to document it in the form of emails, phone records, SMS, chat logs and the like.

– It’s factual information that comes with See and Hear, and then they should be able to document it, he says.

Both experts emphasize that they speak on a principled basis.


Mads Hansen isn’t the only one who has had more extensive reporting on him, without having contributed to the article itself. Several celebrities have also come out through their Instagram, where they criticize the working method of the weekly, and several point out that there have been factual errors and misquotes.

Artist Andreas Haukeland, better known as Tix, writes the following in a message to Hansen:

– Generally tired of them writing cases without saying anything, or forcing themselves to take an approach similar to “we’re going to present a case on this anyway, so you can give us what we want, otherwise we write it. We believe.”

The sea

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Press ethicist Trygve Aas Olsen says it’s perfectly fine to write a report on someone without talking to themselves.

– You can write a long report on Donald Trump without talking to him, because it is a bit difficult to locate him. Now Mads Hansen and other Norwegian celebrities are probably not that difficult to locate, but in principle it applies. the same press ethic for those that Donald Trump says to Nettavisen.

– misunderstood

Aas Olsen adds that Se og Hør had no obligation to say that they are writing the case, and that one must tolerate reports being written on one, even if one has said no to the interview.

– For example, after the speeding violation and drug seizure this fall, Petter Northug could not say that he does not allow a report to be written about it. So Mads Hansen also can’t say no, there is no separate press ethic for him.

Gunnar Bodahl Johansen says the practice of removing cases from other outlets has been tried at PFU, where it was found to be fine.

However, it emphasizes that it must be a condition that the information or statements used are relevant to the new case.

Mads Hansen says it appears that Aas Olsen and Bodahl-Johansen don’t understand what the case is about.

– I have never reacted to the fact that See and Hear has written a case about me, although I have said no. I know they can do it, he tells Nettavisen and adds:

– My main point is that they write I do not want to comment on the case, when they have not asked me for a comment.

Took a picture of the house

Through the story feature on Instagram, Hansen reacts to the fact that Se og Hør traveled to his house and took a photo of his house, without him realizing it. Aas Olsen thinks you have to endure.

– Google Maps travels and takes pictures of your home, this is public information. Deleting the address yourself is not enough, you must have a court order to have a secret address in Norway, he explains, continuing:

– This is similar to the Bertheussen case, where a photo of your home was taken. No one claims it was illegal or wrong. Your address is basically public information.

Bodahl-Johansen believes that this is a very real issue and needs to be discussed.

– If it’s to show where you live, I think it’s less interesting. If it has relevance in relation to what he does, his public activities, then I don’t think it is problematic, he says.

The press ethics expert believes that it is necessary to discuss here how serious is the violation of privacy that a photo of the house has taken.

– When you take a photo of the house, you expose not only your house, but also that of the family. It is clear that you also have to think about it.

Hansen says he suspects that it may be within the legal framework, but that it is still ugly.

– As Bodahl says, it is not relevant to the case. It has no relevance to my public activities, he says.


Hansen believes that he has been misquoted in the Watch and Listen report, and that this is something that would have been corrected had he been given the opportunity to comment.

– It’s a trifle, but it’s annoying. In “Kåss til kvelds” I was quoted as saying that I spend eight hours on Instagram a day posting and commenting. It is wrong. Spending eight hours on Instagram a day, I find it embarrassing. If I had been asked to comment, I would have corrected it.

– What I react to is that it is a direct lie from See and Hear. And they know it well. The fact that they claim anything else says everything about the credibility and integrity of those who act as the media, he continues.

Consultation in October

The influencer says the only contact he has had with See and Hear was in October, when he received an email from TV 2’s press manager, who forwarded an email from See and Hear asking if Hansen was willing to ask. in a case. So they must have written that if they didn’t hear anything for a few days, they assumed the answer was no. Hansen then should have responded to the press director that he did not want to run.

– And it is not the same as asking someone to comment on a case that then writes in December. That they are trying something there says it all about the credibility and journalistic integrity of that magazine.

Hansen can also say that he has received a lot of support, both from non-public figures and public figures.

– I’m amazed at how many people say they didn’t know See and Hear is doing that. Clearly it takes a little for people to find out, he says.

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Demand that they fix it

Arne Jensen from the Norwegian Publishers Association will not comment on these individual cases, but generally tells Nettavisen:

– If See and Hear, or any other medium, publishes something that is demonstrably wrong, then you have the right to have it corrected, says Jensen.

What you need to do then is contact the editorial staff concerned or file a complaint with PFU, Jensen explains.

It says See and Hear has complained about five times in the last four years. In one case, they have been shot down.

Generally speaking, Jensen also says that people seeking public attention should also calculate cases where they don’t want attention, but that doesn’t mean you should find yourself at all.

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