Caza, Social networks | Vibeke received a lot of criticism after this hunting photo in the local newspaper.


On Thursday of last week, Vibeke Abusland (19) killed a deer with 12 marks at Hægebostad in Agder. However, after an article in the local newspaper, the critics quickly took to the field.

– It is a fantastic feeling when you see the animal walking on the ground. It is confirmed that all the time you have dedicated to training has been useful and that the work you have done has been worth it, says Abusland to Lister24, who was the first to mention the matter.

It has shaken the minds of several who have commented on the case on the Farsund newspaper’s Facebook exchange, where the 19-year-old poses with the dead deer.

Abusland tells Nettavisen that she herself thinks most of it is due to misunderstandings about how hunting actually works.

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Won the resistance

Under the image of the heather dolmen and the slaughtered animal, some critical comments appeared, in addition to many positive reactions.

“It should never be a pleasure to take a life!” One user writes.

Another believes that one should not be proud of “posing with a dead animal.”

“Dusty was made to walk and kill for fun,” writes a third.

Click the pic to enlarge.  There have been both positive and negative comments about Vibeke Abusland's hunting image.

There have been both positive and negative comments about Vibeke Abusland’s hunting image.
Photo: Screenshot / Facebook

– You can compare the feeling with a soccer player who scores in an important match. The feeling you get when you fire a shot, it fits perfectly and goes on goal. In other words, you’ve trained yourself enough to do everything right when it really matters, Abusland tells Nettavisen.

She says that as a young hunter she may face some resistance, but that people are overwhelmingly positive about her hobby.

– Most of the people who react negatively are people who basically have nothing to do with hunting. It’s kind of funny when people say they think it’s cruel that we can kill an animal to get food, but soon after they go to the store and buy meat, Abusland says.

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Click the pic to enlarge.  HUNTING HAPPY: Vibeke Abusland is not only happy to hunt, but is also the leader of the women's group in the Farsund and Lyngdal hunting and fishing association.  Here from a reindeer hunt.

HAPPY HUNTING: Here Abusland is depicted on a reindeer hunt.
Photo: Private

– Can’t describe

However, she has great understanding and respect for the fact that other people do not have the same vision of hunting as her.

– It is not the part of hunting where you take the life of the animal that pleases me, but the whole scheme of hunting. “I don’t think you can describe and understand that unless you’ve experienced it yourself,” the 19-year-old explains.

She believes the deer she shot, which had a killing weight of 146 kilograms, is a fantastic food resource.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Vibeke Abusland on the hunt

LEADERSHIP RESPONSIBILITY: Vibeke Abusland is not only fond of hunting, but is also the leader of the women’s group in the Farsund and Lyngdal hunting and fishing association. Here from a reindeer hunt.
Photo: Private

– What is more sustainable than harvesting the profits that nature gives us? Abusland asks rhetorically.

– So what do you have to say to those who think you shouldn’t hunt?

I am a hunter and I am proud of it. Regardless of what people think, I don’t think there is anything that can change that.

Also read: The Hunters Association wants to teach kindergarten children about hunting
