
– These three groups can expect relief first

[ad_1] The development of the infection over the next two weeks largely determines what the start of 2021 will look like. The Prime Minister allows even more stringent measures if the infection increases. – Suddenly we can have stronger closings in January and February, with the current situation. Or we …

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Romerikes Blad – These four Christmas dinners are the most popular in Norway. There are 1300 calories difference between two of them

[ad_1] (Nettavisen): Every year from November to December, obesity experts and nutritionists come up with the same warning: Don’t start the Christmas party already on December 1st. Obesity expert Jøran Hjelmesæth, professor at the University of Oslo and director of the Center for Morbid Obesity in Southeast Health at Vestfold …

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Declared municipal director: – Almost incredible

[ad_1] Due to the high infection rates in Trondheim, crisis management met in the municipality on Thursday morning. – The background is the high infection rates we have in Trondheim. We set a new record again with today’s infection rates. So we found out that we had to have a …

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Santa started a new wave of infections

[ad_1] The Trondheim Township Presidency meets for special meetings on Christmas 1 and 2 to discuss tightening of infection control rules and stopping events. The latest and alarming number of 46 new people infected since Christmas Eve morning is the direct background of the meeting being postponed from December 29 …

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