
Trump called Fauci a “disaster” – VG

[ad_1] TURBULENT: The relationship between President Donald Trump and infection control expert Anthony Fauci has grown more strained. Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP According to the television channel, President Donald Trump made disparaging remarks about the man at the forefront of America’s fight against the corona virus: Dr. Anthony Fauci. …

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Try new rapid tests for corona

[ad_1] From nose to crown response in 15 minutes? This may be the result after the emergency room tries new rapid tests. Published Published Less than 40 minutes ago Suong Vo takes samples from Emma Nøtterøy Rygg in the emergency room. Photo: Tor Høvik Suong Vo extends the cotton swab …

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Close all of Wales – VG

[ad_1] CLOSURE: Very strict measures are being introduced across Wales to control the spread of the infection within the country. Photo: Ben Birchall / PA Wire The Welsh authorities are pushing the big button and shutting down the entire community for two weeks. As of Friday, all Welsh people without …

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