Carl I. Hagen won the battle for first place in Oppland Frp – NRK Innlandet – Local News, TV and Radio


Many were surprised when Carl I. Hagen agreed to be at the top of Oppland Frp’s parliamentary list. It also created divisions within the party.

Sunday was about to decide the game. It was between Carl I. Hagen (76) of West Oslo and Wenche Haug Almestrand of Lillehammer (53).

It was even, but Hagen took first place with a majority of four votes. He got 16 votes, Almestrand got 12.

Carl I. Hagen and opposition candidate Wenche Haug Almestrand

PARTY: Carl I. Hagen and opposition candidate Wenche Haug Almestrand from Lillehammer Frp. Hagen won by a majority of four votes.

Photo: Ragnhild Moen Holø / NRK

– Why did I say yes to this? We have lost many older voters in recent years. Maybe he can bring back some of these voters, after leading the FRP for 28 years. I want to fight pension infra-regulation and limit allocations for climate issues, said Carl I. Hagen at the nomination meeting in Lillehammer before the elections.

Cabin in Lesjaverk

You can be on many lists in a parliamentary election.

Hagen, 76, spends a lot of time in Lesjaverk in Oppland, because his wife Eli Hagen is from the area.

They’ve renovated a guesthouse on the spot, and according to Hagen, the couple is more there than in Spain.

Therefore, he thought it natural to say yes when asked to ask.

Hagen may also appear in Oslo, where he is nominated by the nominating committee in third place.

Carl I. Hagen on a tour of the Raufoss Industrial Park

GUIDED TOUR: This week Carl I. Hagen visited companies at Oppland. Here you are shown the Raufoss Industrial Park.

Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / NRK

A seat in the Storting

Today Oppland Frp has a seat in the Storting. Morten Ørsal Johansen from Nordre Land has had it for three terms. He is not running for re-election.

If the county party retains its Storting seat after next year’s election, Hagen will represent it.

Oppland and Hedmark Frp were merged after the counties now form Innlandet County, but in a parliamentary election it is still the old county divisions that apply.

There are 28 eligible voters in Oppland Frp. Everyone had come forward to cast their vote.

carl i hagen, siv jensen, eli hagen

WIFE OF: Eli Hagen is from Dombås, north of Innlandet County. Photo from the national FRP meeting in 2013.

Split match

The former party leader says there were several who asked him if he was willing to be at the top of the list. Among those cheering for Hagen was Stig Vestli at Vestre Toten Frp.

– He is a familiar person to most people. He has enormous knowledge and experience, says Vestli.

But several in the party disagree. Nord-Aurdal Frp leader Silje Diserud told NRK that there was a great fight within the match after it became known that Hagen would be at the top of the list.

– I don’t think Hagen is what Oppland Frp needs on the list to say before the parliamentary elections. We don’t need a celebrity, Diserud said.

Silje Diserud, leader of Nord-Aurdal Frp

JOKE: Nord-Aurdal Frp leader Silje Diserud first thought it was a joke when the nominating committee nominated Carl I. Hagen. His home team got involved in proposing the opponent for first place.

Photo: Ragnhild Moen Holø / NRK

Youngest Candidate Wanted

Arne Egil Marsteintredet, who heads the Lillehammer party, thought they should choose a younger candidate who can stay in the Storting for several terms.

He supported Wenche Haug Almestrand to top the list.

– You know everything around here much better. That is the main reason. She is better known in the area, Marsteintredet told NRK this week.
