Carl I. Hagen, Progress Party | You’re okay now, Carl I. Hagen


Carl I. Hagen wants to return to the Storting. Also this time, immigration and integration policy is at the center of his agenda.

This is a comment. It is the attitude of the writer that is expressed.

But in a completely strange area: Assimilation is wrong.

Carl I. Hagen refuses to give in to Norwegian politics despite the fact that more than 14 years have passed since he resigned as party chairman of the Progress Party and has not sat in the Storting since 2009. Now he wants to return to the Storting and has made a clear program statement. .

This is the case: Carl I. Hagen with a new proposal on immigration policy: – I say it bluntly.

Grumpy old man who misses himself?

Carl I. Hagen has accomplished a great deal in Norwegian politics. After entering the Storting for the first time in 1974, he has built the Progress Party from next to nothing to become one of the largest parties in the country.

He has a long life in politics. He was part of the Oslo City Council until last year. He is now nominated for first place on Oppland Frp’s parliamentary election list. If you are elected now, you can remain in the Storting 50 years after you became a youth representative. No one has done that before him.

After Hagen left the Storting in 2009, it wasn’t long before he was missed, he realized. Not everyone else did. He has been repeatedly called a grumpy old man.

Click the pic to enlarge.  FRP Deputy Leader Terje Søviknes does not applaud Carl I. Hagen's stricter line.

FRP Deputy Leader Terje Søviknes does not applaud Carl I. Hagen’s stricter line.
Photo: Magnus Blaker (Nettavisen)

There is still something new in Carl I. Hagen. It clearly says what it means. This applies to immigration, weather policy, taxes and fees, tolls, and everything else. Therefore, voters have no reason to doubt what Carl I. Hagen intends to offer if he comes to the Storting.

Whether Hagen has any impact is something else entirely. It depends on others.

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Dare to speak freely about immigration and Islam

Carl I. Hagen has undoubtedly had a great impact on Norwegian politics, especially on immigration and integration policy. It has contributed to the fact that today it is also possible to discuss the dark aspects of immigration.

It is the particularly large immigration from Islamic countries that has created great contradictions, not only in Norway, but in most Western countries. The reasons for this are, of course, complex and complicated, but it is difficult to escape the fact that the Islam religion has a central place in this.

Click the pic to enlarge.  French police in front of the old facilities of the satire magazine Charlie Hebdo.

Islamic terrorism has occurred several times in Europe in recent years. Here, the French police have taken position near the former premises of the satire magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris in connection with a terrorist act on September 25 this year.
Photo: Gonzalo Fuentes (Reuters / NTB)

Islamists have been responsible for a number of terrorist acts in recent decades, including the attack on the French satire magazine Charlie Hebdo in 2015, where those responsible are now brought to justice.

Also read: Carl I. Hagen believes that the United States must choose between two evils: this candidate for whom it would vote

Honor killings, social control, and retaliation for apostasy from religion are other issues related to the way Islam is practiced. All of this should be open to discussion and easy to distance.

Carl I. Hagen has contributed to this.

No one has the right to impose their lifestyle on others.

The aforementioned issues relating to Islam and how Islam is practiced, by at least some, form the background for many who want a stricter immigration policy.

Here you can read more posts from Kjell-Magne Rystad.

Problems and confrontations arise when someone wants to impose their way of life and religion on others. Certainly, there are those who want it among the immigrants who come to Norway. Therefore, honor killings and social control in some immigrant communities are serious problems that must be discussed and resolved.

No one has the right to impose their lifestyle on others.

But that’s where Carl I. Hagen also gets it wrong. In fact, it does everything possible.

When Hagen wants assimilation more than integration, it is precisely to impose his way of life on others if it were politics.

Assimilation means that immigrants should be as similar as possible to the majority population. There is no problem for immigrants to do this voluntarily. And it has happened in many places, including a large number of Norwegian immigrants to the United States. After a couple of generations, they have been completely absorbed in American culture and lifestyle.

When the state wants to assimilate, however, it quickly turns ugly. This has also happened in our own country, among other things through the Norwegian policy of the Sami population that lasted until around 1950.

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Tolerance must be applied in every way

The core of this is that everyone should be able to freely define their own identity. No one has the right to impose a certain way of life on others.

The consequence is that the tolerance must apply to all roads. In a free society, there must be a lot of tolerance for the culture and religious beliefs, practices, and expressions of others.

It is equally clear that such beliefs, practices and expressions have a clear limit. The limit goes where you try to force others.

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To ensure this, we must talk about it freely. Religion and culture must have the freedom to criticize. Therefore, we cannot have blasphemy clauses or prohibitions of attacks on religion in the legislation. This is not racism. Attempts to turn religious criticism into racism by, among other things, silly words like “Islamophobia” should be flatly rejected.

Much better with roasted flint on the terrace

In other words, we must accept prayers, church bells, Sami yoik, and other expressions and sounds that may be linked to different religious and cultural practices.

We shouldn’t have any forced assimilation outside of this.

Also read: New toll record for Norwegian motorists last year

But on the other hand: it is equally clear that anyone can stand on the terrace with a naked upper body and roast flint roast and play rock music. And that with a beer in hand.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Pork ribs.

Cooking pork on the terrace, preferably with alcohol, can irritate Muslims, conservative Christians, vegans, teetotalers, radical climate activists, and public health fundamentalists. However, none of these should stop you from doing just that, even if they’re on the neighboring deck. Tolerance must go all the way.
Photo: Morten Holm (NTB)

It doesn’t matter if the neighbor is Muslim, conservative Christian, vegan, teetotaler, radical climate activist, public health fundamentalist, or for other reasons doesn’t like the good smell of grilled pork and beer. The neighbor must also tolerate music as long as the sound level is within reasonable limits.

Assimilation is completely in the nose.

If Carl I. Hagen had been mischievous, he would have hit a free roast flint roast.
