Cargo ships close to land: – Heart rate is slightly lower now


– Heart rate is a little lower now than it was an hour or two ago, insurance manager Jan Minde at shipping company Wilson told NTB at 8.30 on Sunday morning.

– We appreciate all the resources and all the help we have received, he added.

It was at 5 o’clock that the Norwegian-owned, NIS-registered cargo ship reported an engine shutdown. The ship, which is 90 meters long and 15 meters wide, was then 5 nautical miles from land. There were gales and land winds in the area, and both civilian and military ships worked hard for a long time to prevent the ship from heading ashore.

At 7.40, the Main Rescue Center reported Twitter that the ship had finally managed to start an engine. So the ship was half a kilometer from land.

– The ship has lifted anchor and is leaving, duty rescue leader Johan Mannsåker at the Main Rescue Center told NTB at 8 o’clock.

-But it has an unstable engine power, so we keep all resources in the area, he added.

(The case continues below the image)

The freighter

The freighter “Wilson Parnu”, which had its engine stopped and ended up in trouble southwest of Sotra, sailed under the Askøy Bridge on Sunday afternoon for Bergen. Tug “Vortex” hangs up and assists with steering. Photo: Marit Hommedal / NTB

A rescue helicopter was at the scene for a long time and began preparations to hoist the crew of eight on board.

Jan Minde from the shipping company says the captain and crew remained calm, but the situation was dramatic. The company has established a crisis team to follow up on the incident.

The cause of the engine shutdown is currently unknown, according to Minde.

– Now the ship will enter a quiet place and calmly try to find out what is behind, before setting sail on the blue waves again, says the insurance manager.
