– Cancel the party – VG


The leader of the Oslo City Council comes with great support. Photo: Frode Hansen

– New Year’s Eve will be the great joker to prevent the spread of infection, says the leader of the town hall.


The need to mark that 2020 is over is perhaps very great this year. Vaccines give us a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel, but Oslo residents should celebrate in moderation, encourages Councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor).

– Usually New Year’s Eve is a great night out with private events, municipal and private fireworks and open nightclubs. That can’t be the case this year, Johansen tells VG.

The leader of the city council believes that the population of the capital has a great task ahead to prevent an increase in infection at the beginning of the year.

– Hope lights up, but New Year’s Eve will be the great joker to prevent the infection from flourishing.

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We are used to seeing the city hall and Aker Brygge lit up by colorful rockets on New Years Eve. This will not be the case this year. Photograph: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB

Fireworks canceled

Johansen is clear about what is needed:

– If it is the case that your company may contribute in any way to the infection: Cancel the party, do not risk it.

His clear encouragement is to stay home.

– If you want to invite someone, there must be a minimum of people. If you go, you need to check how many people go there. And remember the meter, says the town hall leader.

This year, there will also be no municipal fireworks, as the citizens of Oslo are used to. In a press release, the Oslo municipality wrote in late November that it is sad, but right, to cancel this year’s fireworks. Usually thousands gather to watch the rockets.

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Councilmember Raymond Johansen says we shouldn’t forget infection control rules during New Years celebrations. Photo: Heiko Junge

Realize that it is difficult

In the capital it is not allowed to have private meetings with more than 10 people present, at the same time that the city council advises against more than 10 social contacts per week.

– This means that if you have met 9 friends or relatives during Christmas in space, then you will not be able to meet 9 others for the New Years party, explains Johansen.

– I understand that this is difficult, but we all know that a lot of alcohol and parties increase the possibility of infection. This year we have to drop loud music and dance.
