Can Trump use corona infection to his advantage? – NRK Urix – Foreign News and Documentaries


– That Trump is infected is a picture of his failed leadership during the pandemic, says Hilmar Mjelde.

He is a senior fellow at the Norce Research Center and a researcher on American politics.

Under Trump’s leadership, many things have never worked according to protocol in the inner workings of the White House, Mjelde believes.

He believes the president can get sympathy and congratulations, but that this will shed light on everything that has gone wrong in America since March.

– Some would like to vote for Biden just to give America a fresh start. A crown-sick president in a country with coronary disease will reinforce the desire for change, says Mjelde.

Hilmar mjelde

Hilmar Mjelde cannot see that Trump will benefit from the disease in the election campaign. On the contrary.

Don’t think Trump will benefit from the situation

– Some voters will probably wonder if they can re-elect a sick, and in many ways incompetent president, says Mjelde.

He doubts that Trump will benefit from the disease situation in the election campaign.

Gunnar Grenstad is a professor at the University of Bergen and an American policy researcher. He believes that the president will now be at the door.

– There is no doubt that you are now at the door when it comes to the measures that should have been in place already since the beginning of February, and that you have not taken very seriously, says Grenstad.

President Donald Trump and his wife, First Lady Melania Trump, tested positive for COVID-19. Now a major infection-tracking job begins that will likely have to put several key U.S. politicians to the test.

– May undermine that the crown is serious

American expert and NTNU professor Jennifer Leigh Bailey does not believe that Trump’s illness has major consequences for the election campaign.

Unless you get seriously ill.

– If you don’t get seriously ill, you can use it as proof that it’s not serious, that Biden is a little boy who walks around in a big mask, says Bailey.

It explains that Trump has not supported states and governors who have made the necessary decisions to close cities and restaurants. But he has pushed open and talked about the crown as if it were not a serious illness.

– What strikes me is that the way the United States deals with the coronavirus issue is very important. If Trump is not seriously ill, he could undermine the idea that Covid-19 is a serious illness.

Jennifer Leigh Bailey

Jennifer Leigh Bailey fears that if Trump doesn’t get seriously ill, he could undermine that the crown is a serious illness.

Photo: NTNU

High risk of serious illness

If Donald Trump has no symptoms, he may come out of isolation on October 13. But he is 74 years old and the risk of serious illness is high.

– This is a disease that causes a serious course in the elderly. We are especially mindful of people over 65. In a 74-year-old, there will generally be a high risk of having to go to the hospital, says Preben Aavitsland, chief physician at the National Institute of Public Health.

It’s unclear whether Trump will be healthy enough before the next presidential debate, which is scheduled for Oct. 15 in Miami, Florida.
