Campos de Moria, Labor Party | Job Profile Strikes Back at Fredrik Solvang:


Labor politician Masud Gharahkhani reacts to the NRK presenter’s claims at the Debate, but Fredrik Solvang takes it easy.

On Thursday night, there was a high temperature in the studio during the NRK Debate, where the topic was the fire in the Moria refugee camp and how many refugees Norway will receive.

– No, now stop, thundered program manager Fredrik Solvang to Labor Party immigration policy spokesman Masud Gharakhani, claiming that no one understood what he thought about the inflamed case and that he was communicating twice.

That makes Gharahkhani react.

– I have the responsibility of a difficult political area, therefore I also have to live with difficult issues. My pleasure. But I completely disagree with Solvang that it was indistinct, Gharahkhani told Nettavisen the next day.

Watch the video of the interrogation at the top of the case.

Also read: Fredrik Solvang was verified – now he’s tearing up fact sheets.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Masud Gharahkhani and Fredrik Solvang in Debatten at NRK.

ON THE GRILL: Labor Party immigration policy spokesman Masud Gharahkhani was shot down by NRK presenter Fredrik Solvang in the debate on NRK Thursday night on Moria refugees. – Now we have to stop, thundered the host of the Labor politician.
Photo: NRK

– Nobody understands what that means.

The background to the debate was that the government after the fire in Moria camp has said that it will bring 50 asylum seekers to Norway. At the same time, several others have spoken out in favor of bringing in more, including the Labor Party.

In the debate, Gharakhani said that the Labor Party wants to receive up to 500 additional refugees with quotas, but on repeated questions from the host, the Labor Party spokesman was not so clear if he would actually pick them up from the Moria camp.

– It is not just me who has trouble understanding what the Labor Party means. Several of your fellow party members have asked you to make it very clear that you want to get 500 from Moria, is that what you want? Solvang asked and thundered:

– Nobody understands what that means!

Gunnar Stavrum: Mayors want children from Moria camp, but push bill to state

– There is no Sunday school

– What do you think of being spoken to like this live?

– Working with immigration is not a Sunday school. So I can take a lot, I do, Gharakhani tells Nettavisen.

– Do you think Solvang was right to do it?

– He must consider it himself, he answers briefly.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Image by Gharahkhani

NO SUNDAY SCHOOL: Gharahkhani says she has to endure tough questions. – Working with immigration is not a Sunday school. So I can tolerate a lot, he tells Nettavisen. He still reacts to Fredrik Solvang’s claims that he is unclear and communicates doubly.
Photo: Lars Opstad

However, he is clear on what he thinks about being accused of double communication:

– I completely disagree with Fredrik. The Labor Party has had a clear policy throughout. In this case, KrF, Venstre and Høyre are failing and doing double communication. They have left the immigration boat to the right-wing populists, says the Labor politician.

Gharakhani points out that what the Labor Party wants is for the UN to consider how many should be removed from the Moria camp, as he also said in the NRK Debate.

– The Labor Party has always believed that we should increase the number of refugees from the quota by 500 and as part of this, consider, together with the UN, whether some of them should be vulnerable asylum seekers in need of protection from Moria, to through the so-called relocation. For us, it is absolutely crucial that the UN helps in this work, says Gharakhani.

Also read: Strong reactions against Fredrik Solvang after the SIAN debate

Solvang: – You feel on very safe ground.

Fredrik Solvang himself denies going too far.

– As I emphasized in the Debate, it is not just me who does not understand what Ap’s solution is about. In Dagsnytt 18, his colleague Sigrid Sollund conducted a similar interview with Gharakhani in which he also focused on trying to find out what it would involve the party’s proposal, Solvang writes in an email to Nettavisen.

– In the latest issue of Aftenpodden, Lars Molteberg Molnes, Trine Eilertsen and Kjetil B. Alstadheim stated that in several cases lately it has been impossible to get what they want to say out of the Labor Party before the government has meant something. So I feel on very safe ground when trying to clarify what the Aps proposal really entails, he emphasizes.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Fredrik Solvang

SAFE GROUND: NRK host Fredrik Solvang tells Nettavisen he feels on safe ground after he raged against Labor politician Masud Gharahkhani on Thursday’s Debatten broadcast.
Photo: Nrk

Also read: Fredrik Solvang apologizes for Gahr Støre’s question: – He just got away

Solvang points out that his question about what Aps policy is when it comes to Moria refugees was based on Gharakhani’s own letter to party members behind the Facebook group “500 from Moria, not 50!”, Which it has 70,000 members.

– I quote Halle Jørn Hansen from the FB page: ‘I am disappointed, depressed and cursed by the answer. In other words, there is a large and growing popular movement that wants something more than the government and leadership of the Labor Party. They want political clarity and action from responsible politicians now! They want politicians who are able to show solidarity, humanity and action now! ”, Writes the host.

ODM: – Will accept 1500

ODM politician Une Bastholm, on the other hand, was very clear in the NRK Debate. He wanted to receive 1500 from the Moria camp.

– It is similar to the figures we received from Greece and Italy in 2016, after the Mediterranean crisis. Also think of a number, you are absolutely right, there is a difference here. We are talking about numbers. But we are talking about people. We are in Norway, which is a rich country, with a lot of capacity, said Bastholm.

Click the pic to enlarge.  THINK OF A NUMBER: Green Party leader Une Bastholm believes Norway should win back 1,500 of those who previously lived in Moria camp.

THINK OF A NUMBER: Green Party leader Une Bastholm believes Norway should win back 1,500 of those who previously lived in the Moria camp.
Photo: Screenshot (NRK Debate)

Principal investigator Bøås, on the other hand, thought it was deeply problematic for politicians to choose people from a specific field in our immediate area.

– They are very visible, and in a country with which Norwegians have a relationship. But then there are a large number of refugees who remain invisible, Bøås said during the debate.
