Camilla Läckberg, author | Camilla Läckberg regrets:


Camilla Läckberg has more faith in the next generation of women.

With books like “Gullburet”, the newcomer “Wings of Silver” and the Fjällbacka series with a total of ten books, the Swedish author Camilla Läckberg (46) has established herself as one of the most successful authors and entrepreneurs in Scandinavia.

In addition to her profession as a crime writer, she runs the One Spoon Music company, is a co-owner of the jewelry company Sahara Silver and has started an investment company to raise women.

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On Tuesday earlier this week, the new Viaplay series “Lykkevika” also premiered. A soap opera that she hopes has been long awaited by Norwegian and Swedish fans.

– I hope everyone has longed for a soap opera as much as I have. In Sweden, soap operas have completely disappeared. I wrote this because I’ve missed a good soap opera, and I think there are more than me who have, Läckberg tells Nettavisen.

Camilla Läckberg loves being in Norway, but due to the crown situation she is not allowed to travel to Norway as she wishes. Check out the video at the top of the case about what you love about coming to Norway!

Tired of skewed attention

However, despite the great success, it seems that the attention that Läckberg attracts refers to everything except the work he does on a daily basis.

The headlines on everything from how she raises her children, life as a mother of four and her relationship with her 13-year-old husband Simon Skold (33), whom she married in 2017, are often too columnist.

With sometimes strong and honest statements on social media and other television appearances, there are some who may think that he is playing attention to himself. Läckberg, on the other hand, believes that much of the reason for the skewed attention is because she is a woman.

– Probably that’s where the feminist in me awakens. This is a situation that is unique to women. Men certainly don’t get that kind of pressure and biased attention. They are praised for their work and you don’t go too deep into their private lives. I have a clear idea that I have to be more successful than a man to escape, says Läckberg.

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According to Läckberg, the question of how she combines being a writer and a mother is the most frequently asked question.

– Sometimes I can get mad. I never answer that question. So I’d rather take a step back and ask, “How often do you ask your male colleagues how they combine being a writer and a father?” So they tend to be pretty quiet. For that question, they never ask their male colleagues, says Läckberg.

Inspired by her 16 year old daughter

On Instagram a few weeks ago, Läckberg posted a longer post on Instagram where he openly shared how he feels during the day and that he doesn’t feel as good.

In the post, the 46-year-old author writes that she has put on 15 kilos and struggles to please herself, despite the affection of her family, friends and husband showing otherwise.

Läckberg tells Nettavisen that these are characteristics of the women of his generation.

– I think it’s terrible that we took that luggage. I have girlfriends who have dropped out of a job interview because they have felt too fat. Men don’t think like that at all. It makes it very difficult for us, and I hope the next generation of women will get rid of it, says Läckberg and is convinced that it is true.

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This spring, Läckberg was shopping with her 16-year-old daughter. Then he received a revelation.

– He told me: «Mom, I’m not little. I’m medium, but I think I’m cool. I think it was wonderful. I think about that often. She and her friends don’t have the thoughts about the body that I do. In his generation, there is a permit for various sizes and shapes, and I think it’s fantastic, says Läckberg and continues:

– They have many more role models. As a teenager, Kate Moss was the great role model. But now you have all sizes, like the Kardashian and Beyoncè. There is a breadth today that did not exist then.

– Are you being inspired by your daughter?

-Absolutely. She inspires me all the time, says Läckberg.

Following in mom’s footsteps

On the other hand, it seems to go both ways, and Läckberg is probably a huge inspiration for your daughter as well. According to Läckberg, the daughter has great wishes to become a criminologist when she grows up.

– She has inherited my fascination with murders and atrocities. She and I have a horror movie club, laughs Läckberg.

To become the successful crime writer that is Camilla Läckberg, she spends a lot of time studying murders and mysteries.

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– I spend an enormous amount of time studying and reflecting on murder cases. I love watching real crimes, says Läckberg, and says she has been fascinated since she was little.

– I’ve read a lot about murders since I was little. I also read a lot of forensics and I like to read fact books on serial killers and psychopaths. I just like human psychology.

He is inspired by his own life

In the crime novels, and also in the new soap opera “Lykkevika”, Läckberg draws heavily from his own life.

One of the main characters in the soap opera is about a girl who experiences losing her mother. Läckberg himself has experience with this as well.

– My dad died when I was 19 years old. So I can really relate to that. As a writer, you are always inspired by your own life, but build something much bigger. I am 46 years old, so I have managed to experience something. there is some material, Läckberg smiles.

The soap opera series “Lykkevika” is shown on
