Bus, strike | Races against new tax for bus drivers:


The new benefit tax may consume all that was achieved in the strike and mediation, the union claims.

Two years ago, the government proposed to introduce a tax on the benefit of exemption cards and travel for employees of passenger transport companies. The introduction of this tax has been postponed several times, but as of January 1, 2021, the new tax will apply.

Now bus drivers claim that this tax increase will consume the wage supplement that was negotiated after the bus strike earlier this fall.

Trond Jensrud, Secretary General of the Professional Traffic Association, believes that the Ministry of Finance’s work with taxes will have a biased effect:

– The problem has always been that the ministry has not investigated the case well enough and has not presented measures to justify taxation. This is because the price of annual passes across counties varies greatly from county to county. Also, it is the counties with the worst public transportation services that have the highest prices. Thus, this taxation affects very skewed, says Jensrud in a press release.

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30,000 extra in tax base

Yrkestrafikkforbundet has submitted several proposals for changes to this new tax, in collaboration with Fellesforbundet and NHO Transport.

– Among other things, we have proposed to introduce a standard value for exemption cards of NOK 5,000. When some county municipalities estimate the value of the tax at around NOK 30,000 and others at NOK 4,800, it goes without saying that this is not perceived as equal treatment of employees. He’s on the verge of nonsense, continues Jensrud.

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The Professional Traffic Association encourages the Storting, in connection with the consideration of the state budget for 2021, to either discard the entire tax decision or order the tax authorities to introduce a standard scheme.

– We also hope that the Storting will include in its assessment that bus drivers have lagged behind in terms of pay for many years and that it will therefore be very unfortunate that right after the pay settlement a new tax is introduced that takes the largest share part of the pay increase, says Jensrud in press releases.

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