Brits Trained in Brexit Nightmare – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


December 31 is the transition period after the British withdrew from the EU.

If the British do not agree with the EU on a new agreement regulating the relationship between them, there is a danger of chaos in several areas from the beginning of next year.

This week, therefore, the British administration tested what can happen in possible scenarios if the parties do not agree, reveals The Times.

According to the newspaper, the exercise was called “Operation Capstone.” Several dramatic scenarios were tested during Wednesday’s exercise:

  • French and Spanish fishing boats block British ferries in the English Channel because they have lost fishing rights in British waters. The blockade hampers trafficking from the mainland and affects the food supply, among other things.
  • A large nursing home with many patients at risk of covid-19 had to close because they could not find health workers from other EU countries.
  • Brexit supporters and opponents demonstrate in the streets. The demonstrations turn into street fights between the two groups. The police also have to cope with the rise in hate crimes.
  • Large traffic jams near the ferry ports keep vital drugs from reaching hospitals. At the same time, organized criminals try to hijack cars carrying corona vaccines.
  • An explosion in the British territory of Gibraltar.

According to The Times, the scenarios provide a terrifying glimpse of what reality could look like in less than two weeks.

Say the exercise worked

A government source says the exercise shows that the system worked without revealing any details.

– It went right. The work of the Brexit XO Committee for several months has led us to have plans for absolutely everything. Everything has been thoroughly tested. We are ready if there is no agreement, says the source.

At the same time, other sources say that it is becoming urgent to put everything in its place.

– We’re making some headway but then it stops and we’re constantly in the ring for days, says a source in Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s office.

You may have to parachute food

The British government has kept the cards close to its chest when it comes to crisis planning.

What has become known has first come to light through leaks.

This summer it emerged that the government planned to allow the military to parachute food to the Channel Islands, the Jersey Evening Post wrote.

Deadline tonight

British negotiator David Frost on his way out of the EU building after a meeting on Sunday.

British negotiator David Frost on his way out of the EU building after a meeting on Sunday.

Photo: JOHANNA GERON / Reuters

The European Parliament has said that Sunday is the deadline for a deal.

This is because they have to hold an additional meeting and approve the agreement before the year is out. At the same time, there have been several so-called “last deadlines” in recent weeks, but negotiations have continued.

EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said on Sunday that negotiations with the UK would continue.

The leaders of the EU and Britain negotiating delegations held a face-to-face meeting on Sunday, sources close to the negotiations said. It is unclear what the meeting between Barnier and David Frost turned out to be.
