British plane landed in Arlanda despite flight ban – VG


DEFECTIVE PROHIBITION: A British Airways airline flight. Photo: Frank Augstein / TT NEWS AGENCY

Swedish authorities are furious after a British plane landed in Arlanda despite a total ban on air traffic from Britain.


Twenty-nine Swedish citizens escaped to Sweden, without being required to undergo tests or quarantine, as Swedes have the right to return to their own country. Write Aftonbladet.

There were also four Finnish citizens on board. These were allowed to travel to Finland.

The plane landed at 10.30 this morning and was from British Airways. The arrival of the plane in Sweden violates the Swedish government’s decision on a total flight stopover between the UK and Sweden.

The purpose of the runway is to minimize the risk of spreading the mutated British crown variant.

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Carried to bed

Swedish authorities tell the newspaper that they do not fully understand how this could happen.

– It seems there has been some misunderstanding. This is a violation of the flight ban, which is absolute. Now there should be no airborne passenger traffic between countries, says Mikael Andersson, press manager for the Swedish Transport Agency.

It says they are in contact with the British aviation authorities and British Airways. There were 33 passengers on board the plane. 29 of them were Swedish citizens, while four were Finns who would travel further afield.

– Swedish citizens have the right to travel to Sweden and were allowed to do so. But it is unfortunate that there are passengers on this plane. We don’t understand how this should happen. We have ours in contact with the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Public Health Authority and the Swedish Transport Agency, says Chief Patrik Engström of the border police.

Swedes on the plane are encouraged to get tested, but are not quarantined because there was no suspicion of infection, Engström says.

May have misunderstood

Engstöm’s theory is that the misunderstanding is due to two different rules that the Swedish authorities have:

Swedish citizens have the unreserved right to return home, but at the same time they are not allowed to fly home directly from the UK.

– Then other means of transport are applied, or you fly through another country, he says.

Aftonbladet has failed to obtain comment from British Airways.

The variant of the British crown has already been tested in Sörmland in Sweden after a person came home from the UK to celebrate Christmas here.
