Brazilian police with search warrant against Seadrill’s daughter – E24


Seadrill writes in a stock exchange announcement Wednesday night that the subsidiary received a search warrant from Brazilian police.



“Seadrill Limited confirms that its subsidiary Seadrill Serviços de Petroleo, Ltda received a search warrant from the federal police in Rio de Janeiro, as part of the final phase of Operation Car Wash,” the company said in the statement.

They add that they fully cooperated with the police during the investigation.

According to a press release from the Brazilian police, 50 policemen from various cities participated in the action on Wednesday. Police also cooperate across national borders, apparently.

In total, the police are investigating contracts for $ 2.7 billion for three vessels called PLSV for Petrobras, according to the press release.

The Reuters news agency writes that the Brazilian police have carried out a total of 25 raids, mainly in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. The Dutch police have also helped.

Operation Car Wash (Operação Lava Jato) is the code name for a police investigation that has revealed the largest corruption scandal in Brazilian history.

The investigation led, among other things, to former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva being sentenced to prison.

The deployment has resulted in arrests, seizures and overdraft money laundering of more than 10 billion Brazilian reais.

Data on Operation Car Wash (Operation Lava Jato)

  • The Brazilian state is the main owner of Petrobras and the “Lava Jato” investigation revealed close ties between politicians and Petrobras management.
  • Suspicions have been that politicians have closed their eyes to the wrongdoing at Petrobras because they themselves received dividends from corrupt shares in Petrobras.
  • The central element of the accusations is that the suppliers collaborated on Petrobras contracts and systematically over-invoiced the company.
  • Those who may have disclosed this to Petrobras closed their eyes to this and were rewarded with bribes.
  • Some of the money ended up in the hands of friendly politicians, either as personal gifts or as donations for their election campaigns.
  • Former presidents Michel Temer and Luiz Lula da Silva are involved in the scandal. Temer was arrested in March last year, while Silva is already serving two sentences.

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