Bob Dylan with new song – again! – VG


TALKSHOW: In 2015, Bob Dylan played on David Letterman’s “Late Show”. Photo: CBS Photo Archive / CBS

For the second time in three weeks, Bob Dylan (78) has been surprised to release a new song. “In containing multitudes,” it is called.

On April 6, Bob Dylan suddenly released a more than 16-minute song that revolved around the murder of John F. Kennedy, and from there through decades of political history in the United States, replete with references to cultural history too.

According to NPR, the song contained points and tracks for 78 other songs.

The song was called “Murder Most Foul”, a reference taken from Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”.

The song was the first feature Dylan released since the album release “Tempest” in 2012.

Now the Nobel Prize winner has released another new original song.

1984: Bob Dylan on his way to a press conference before a concert in Gothenburg, Sweden. Photo: Janne Møller-Hansen

Anne Frank and Indiana Jones

The song was titled “I Contain Multitudes” and was released digitally as “Murder Most Foul” on Dylan’s website and on various streaming services.

The title is taken from one of Walt Whitman’s poems, and otherwise we hear about Anne Frank, Indiana Jones and “The British Bad Boys The Rolling Stones”.

The circumstances surrounding the creation of the song are unknown, even when recorded.

Little is also known about “Murder Most Foul,” except that Dylan calls it a “previously unreleased song we recorded a while back and might find interesting.”

By the way, he greeted his audience with, “Stay safe, be vigilant, and may God be with you.”

It is speculated that “Murder Most Foul” was probably recorded over the past decade and was possibly written in 2013.

Bob Dylan performed at a concert in Norway as late as last year.

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