Billionaire bought Jan Bøhler’s book for more than 300 politicians – VG


BØHLER’S FRIEND: Billionaire and investor Jan Petter Sissener ordered 337 copies of Jan Bøhler’s book “Østkantfolk” after a meeting this summer. Photo: Therese Alice Sanne

Investor Jan Petter Sissener has spent over SEK 100,000 on the book “Østkantfolk”. The book has been gifted to Storting politicians, the government, and both the Oslo city council and city hall.

– Yes, I can confirm it. I had a meeting with Bøhler this summer, where he talked about his book project, what the focus was and what the content should be, Jan Petter Sissener tells VG.

Jan Bøhler announced his transfer to the Center Party in October, after 15 years as a parliamentary representative of the Labor Party, much to the chagrin of his former party colleagues.

At the meeting between Bøhler and Sissener, the latter was so convinced that he placed an order for 337 books, he tells VG.

– So I thought that this book should be read by politicians who think constantly, but have no knowledge. At the end of the meeting, I said that I would donate it to the government, the Storting and the city hall and city hall of Oslo.

NEW FRIEND: Jan Bøhler has replaced Jonas Gahr Støre (Labor Party) with Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Social Democrats). Photo: Terje Bringedal

The politicians who have received the book have also received a letter from Sissener.

“We should call a shovel a shovel, as Jan Bøhler has done for a long time. He’s a guy from the east coast everywhere. He has felt the terrifying development in his body, and he says it as it is, how the dangerous rhythm has changed for the worse, ”Sissener writes.

The investor has previously tried to influence politicians by sending them the book “Startup Hell” by founder Nicolai Prydz. He doesn’t rule out more little gifts in the mail in the future.

Sissener is a writer for Nettavisen, he has sued the municipality of Oslo for property taxes and has ended in a confrontation with both Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) and former Finance Minister Siv Jensen (Frp).

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– Not the money that is important

– How much did it cost?

– About 100,000 crowns, maybe a little more. But it is not money that matters, it is based on concern about events in Oslo. Jan Bøhler tells it like it is, but many of the decision makers just think. They still have plenty of time to turn around, but we must try, to quote Sylvi Listhaug, to avoid the Swedish conditions.

With a maximum discount on new books, the price is NOK 349 per book, which means that 337 books cost NOK 117,613.

Kagge publishers will not indicate the number of books sold to Sissener or what the bill was. Nor do they want to give sales figures for “Østkantfolk”, which has a circulation of 2,500 books.

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– What is your political position?

– I belong to the right wing in Norwegian politics, but far from being as far to the right as people have tried to mark me early. I miss politicians of the quality of Jan Bøhler, who never have self-interest.

Sissener has not decided whether Bøhler will get his vote in next year’s parliamentary elections.

– I’ll see what happens before the elections. I have a wet dream that the Center Party and the Conservatives can find together, with the FRP as a sponsor.

In the letter to the politicians, he writes: “Norway is a fantastic country to live in for most of us. But in recent years, a culture has emerged in some parts of Oslo that is terrifying. Youth gangs are wreaking havoc and many residents are afraid to go out at night. I think we all agree on a Norway like that, which we don’t want. “

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