Big fall break next weekend | ABC News


It is the east wind and low pressure that ensure good weather in many parts of the country this coming weekend.

The exception is for eastern Norway and southern Norway, which need to prepare for rain and gray weather. Especially in the western parts of eastern Norway. On Sunday, there will be rainfall throughout eastern Norway. Especially in Agder and Telemark it gets very wet.

– It will also be very windy, especially in Sørlandet and along the entire coast. Friday and Saturday will be up to a strong gale, which on Sunday can turn into a strong gale, says state meteorologist Magni Svanevik at the Meteorological Institute.

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Good weather

At the same time, western Norway, central Norway, and the north can get ready for a great start to their fall holidays. There will be a lot of sun and dry, but also a lot of wind here.

On the Rogaland coast and in the mountains, gales are expected on Friday. It will be gray in the eastern mountainous areas here, but when you get west in the mountainous area, it will be nice.

– When there is an east wind, there is a drying effect on the west side of the mountain, says the meteorologist.

It will be hotter in western Norway than in the east. In Bergen it will easily be 18 degrees on the weekend. Around Møre og Romsdal, where you often get a good effect from the east wind, it will be over 20 degrees in some places.

Also in northern Norway, many can look forward to a good weekend, even if they also have to prepare for the wind and gales. There will be very pleasant weather, but except for East Finnmark and the plateau, which may have a bit more clouds.

– It will be very beautiful by the coast, says Svanevik.

In Bodø it can quickly reach 15 degrees, in Tromsø the temperatures rise to 13 degrees and in Alta up to 14 degrees this weekend.

Next week

The good autumn weather may last until next week. Southern Norway may also have a better climate again.

– Next week looks good in many places. It is relatively stable with easterly winds. I can’t promise it will be dry all week, but there are opportunities for nice days, says the meteorologist.

This year’s fall break ends with a very wet September for the country. Northern Norway in particular has been very humid.

In some northern places, there has been more than 200 percent of normal rainfall for the month. Further south of the country, rainfall has been closer to normal during the period.
