– Biden’s poll will be the most important in my history.


The Senate and House of Representatives will vote on the election of Joe Biden as the new President of the United States. Then there will be a bitter debate.

Mitch McConnell is the leader of the Senate. Photo: Tom Brenner, Pool Reuters

Democratic candidate Joe Biden won the Electoral College vote. He received 306 votes, while Donald Trump received 232.

On January 6, the Senate and House of Representatives will approve the vote. Congress is the National Assembly of the United States and consists of two houses.

Several Republicans in the House of Representatives have said they will vote for Trump to win the election. However, Trump’s party leadership has advised against doing the same in the Senate.

But it will be debated whether one of each of the two houses of Congress will vote against the result of the elections. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has worked hard to prevent it.

Joe Biden won the US presidential election. Photo: Andrew Harnik / AP / NTB

Battle lost for the Republicans

McConnell has already stated that he acknowledges Biden’s victory. It has made Donald Trump furious.

McConnell called Republican senators to a special conference call Thursday morning, writes American Axios. There it is said that he said that the vote on January 6 will be the most important in its history.

The crisis meeting comes in the wake of recent remarks by Missouri Senator Josh Hawley. He will vote against Biden winning the election. This is contrary to McConnell’s wishes. He wants as little drama as possible around the vote.

McConnell is said to have said the vote puts Republicans in dire straits. He justifies this by saying that the choice is between challenging the party’s most popular politician, Trump, and undermining democracy.

Republicans have no way to stop Biden, writes The Washington Post. This requires a majority in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. While Democrats have a narrow majority in the House of Representatives, the opposite is true in the Senate. Several Republican senators have also stated that they believe Trump lost the election.

He provokes his fellow party members

However, Hawley has said that he will vote against Biden.

That must have angered many Republican senators, Axios writes. In the conference call, it is said that Hawley was pressured about what he was going to do.

There was only one problem: Hawley never answered because he did not connect to the call, writes Politico.

McConnell is said to have used big words at the meeting, writes Axios.

– I’ve been in the Senate for 36 years. I have cast many important votes. But in my opinion, this will be the most crucial, I should say, according to sources in the newspaper.

McConnell fears that Republican senators for re-election in 2022 will repel more moderate voters by voting for Trump on January 6, Politico writes. The term of a senator is six years, and about a third of the Senate runs for election every two years.

After the meeting, Hawley sent an email to his party colleagues in which he explained why he wanted to vote against Biden, writes the same newspaper.

The Washington Post writes that Hawley can use the debate to stand out, as he could be a possible presidential candidate in 2024.

Sen. John Thune of South Dakota has said he hopes Republicans will soon realize that the election is lost. Then he felt Trump’s anger. “His political career is over”, the president tweeted. Thune, the second Republican in the Senate, will be reelected in 2022.

The president of the United States, Donald Trump. Photo: Tom Brenner

The vice president intervened in the lawsuit

The election of Joe Biden as the new president of the United States in November has divided the country in two. Trump and several of his supporters have yet to acknowledge that Biden won the election.

The Republican Party has filed a series of lawsuits. They justified this in electoral fraud in several states. This is how they wanted the election to be reversed. The lawsuits have ended defeat after defeat.

Several Republicans sued to expand the influence of Trump’s vice president, Mike Pence, in the election result. In the lawsuit, it was argued that Pence had the authority to decide which electoral delegates could be approved. When the vice president is present, he is the supreme leader of the Senate. Thus, it is Pence, as is tradition, who leads the ceremony when Congress approves the votes of the electoral delegates on January 6.

He asked the judge Thursday to dismiss the lawsuit. Pence does not think he is the right man to intervene, writes the medium.

Extensive voter fraud related to Biden’s victory has yet to be documented. The election was held in the first week of November.

Biden’s inauguration as the new president will take place on January 20.
