Biden started the presidency with two major climate decisions – NRK Urix – Foreign News & Documentaries


As one of his first acts as president, Biden withdrew permission to build the Keystone XL pipeline.

The pipeline was scheduled to run from the oil sands fields in Alberta, Canada, to the oil refineries in Texas and transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day.

In total, the line was supposed to be 2735 kilometers long and cost 8 billion dollars, about 70 billion crowns.

The Keystone project consists of several pipelines.  The green line shows the planned oil line that is now stopped.

The Keystone project consists of several pipelines. The green line shows the planned oil line that is now stopped.

Photo: Wikipedia Commons

I found strong protests

The plans for the gas pipeline have met with strong protests from environmental organizations.

The oil being transported comes from the tar sands areas in Canada and is considered to cause particularly large climate emissions.

The pipeline was first destroyed by Barack Obama, before Donald Trump approved it.

In the election campaign, Biden promised to stop the project and described the oil sands extraction as “very, very polluting.”

Joe Biden signs presidential orders

Among the 17 presidential orders Biden signed on Wednesday was the decision on the Paris Agreement and the Keystone XL pipeline.

Photo: Evan Vucci / AP / NTB

Reactions in Canada

Even before the decision, it was clear that Canada would react to the stoppage of the pipeline.

Canada has huge amounts of oil in the state of Alberta. The problem for Canadians is that they lack good opportunities to transport oil to markets.

Shipping the oil to giant Texas refineries was expected to bring huge revenues to Canada.

– We are talking about 100 billion dollars (850 billion crowns) in annual export revenue. So this affects Canada’s fundamental economic interests, Alberta Provincial Prime Minister Jason Kenney said Monday.

Canada and the United States have had a great relationship in the four years that Donald Trump has ruled the United States.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is considered to be politically close to Joe Biden, but the decision to stop Keystone will give the relationship a rocky start.

A herd of deer gathered around an oil pipe reservoir in North Dakota.

A herd of deer gathered around a reservoir of oil pipelines to Keystone, North Dakota. Environmental activists have pointed out that the Keystone XL spill and leak hazard is a danger to wildlife.


Back in the Paris Agreement

Last night, President Biden also made it clear that the United States will once again sign the Paris Agreement.

In 2015, under President Obama. The United States was one of the countries that negotiated the agreement, but on June 1, 2017, President Donald Trump announced that he was withdrawing the United States from the agreement.

That resignation formally took effect on November 4 of last year, a day after the US presidential election.

The next day, November 5, Joe Biden made it clear that he would sign the agreement with the country as soon as he could.

– In exactly 77 days, a Biden administration will rejoin, Biden wrote. Twitter.

That promise was fulfilled by a presidential order shortly before midnight Norwegian time.


Biden signed 17 presidential orders on his first day

Several presidential orders awaited

President Biden’s chief of staff has said more presidential orders on climate and the environment are expected in the near future.

In a memo from Ron Klain, as a journalist Alex Panetta posted on Twitter, is said to give more orders to deal with the climate crisis.

Biden has made promises about future major climate investments during his presidency.

In his climate plan, Biden has proposed to make all electricity production in the United States carbon-free by 2035. He also wants the United States to be climate neutral by 2050.

To achieve this, Biden will invest $ 2 billion, just over 17 billion crowns, in climate measures over the next four years.

The money will go, among other things, to make 4 million buildings more energy efficient and to invest in electric cars and charging structures.

Biden’s proposals will also contribute to more new jobs, making it easier for them to pass through Congress in a crowned America.
