Biden increases lead in Nevada, is right behind in Georgia – VG


Margins are slim as the five tipped states count the last votes that decide the presidential election. Trump leads in three of them, while Biden leads in two.

The battle to become the next president of the United States will be decided by the states of Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.

According to Fox News, Biden has 264 voters and is just six from the required limit of 270 to win the presidential election.

This includes Arizona, which only Fox and AP News have awarded to Biden. NBC, New York Times and CNN believe it is too early.

Trump, for his part, has amassed a total of 213 voters, and therefore must rally more from the unresolved tipped states to achieve an election victory.

Only Nevada is needed: state leadership increases

Joe Biden leads by exactly one percentage point when Nevada releases new election results in the state, Reuters reports.

Biden now has 49.5 percent of the vote in the state, while Trump has 48.5 percent. About 87 percent of the votes in the state are counted.

If Biden wins Nevada, he gets six voters. If Arizona also wins, as Fox News, among others, has said it wins, then it will reach 270 voters, which is enough to give it victory in the presidential election.

Also in the latest Arizona update, the distance between the two candidates decreased. Now there are just over 68,000 votes for Biden here.

Biden also reaches 270 voters if he wins in Georgia, North Carolina or Pennsylvania, combined with Arizona.

For Trump to be victorious in the election, however, he must win Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Alaska and either Arizona or Nevada. Another possibility for Trump is if he wins in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Alaska, Arizona and Nevada, when he reaches exactly 270 voters.

They face each other

Trump is losing ground in Georgia and his leadership is down to about 15,000 votes at last recount. Skarve 0.3 percentage points separate the two candidates.

In the previous report, the advantage was around 18,000 votes, compared to 24,000 the previous Thursday.

According to CNN, 98 percent of the votes are counted, and therefore Biden depends on winning the majority of the remaining votes to win the state.

In Pennsylvania, Trump’s leadership is down by more than 21,000 votes in the latest update. He now leads with around 142,000 votes over Biden.

So far, it seems certain that Biden has 253 voters and Trump 214. This includes one from Maine’s single district. Both the New York Times and Fox News have announced that Biden will get three voters and Trump one from Maine.

However, victory is not yet assured and only decimals separate the two candidates in various states.

In the milder states of incline, we expect further updates at the following times:

  • Georgia: The census in Fulton County, where the great Atlantean city is located, will be completed on Thursday morning local time. Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said during a television interview on Thursday that the figures could be completely clear as early as 6 p.m. Norwegian time on Thursday.
  • Nevada: An update of the numbers is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, Norwegian time. Then Clark County, where Las Vegas is located, will present new totals.
  • Arizona: The authorities of the largest county in the state, Maricopa, will update their figures at 03:00 on Friday night. Biden’s campaign manager doesn’t expect a clear result until Friday.
  • Pennsylvania: Updates were expected Thursday morning local time, but the state has announced that the count could continue for several days. This is due to the large number of votes remaining by mail and in advance.

State of Arizona (11 voters)

Both Fox News and the Associated Press have named Joe Biden the winner here, but the New York Times, CNN and MSNBC are reluctant to do the same.

Biden leads with 2.4 percent over Trump when 86 percent of the vote is reported. About 450,000 votes remain to be counted in the state.

Trump has taken over the largest municipality here overnight, Maricopa County, but Biden still leads.

However, the leadership over Trump is down by more than 10,000 votes at the last count, 09:45 Norway time.

In Arizona, Biden now leads with a total of about 68,000 votes, but Trump is catching up. Before the latest figures for Maricopa County, the difference was 79,173 in favor of Biden, while now it is 68,390.

Therefore, the county can be decisive for who gets the state’s eleven voters.

The next Maricopa update is expected around 03:00 on Friday evening Norwegian time.

Listen to the recent podcast episode from VG commentators Anders Giæver and Hanne Skartveit on the election thriller:

State of Georgia (16 voters)

In Georgia, it is the city of Atlanta that gives Democrats cause for optimism.

At 4:40 p.m. Norwegian time, the state declares that they are nearing the end of the count in the state. During a press conference, a spokesman for the Secretary of State says they have prioritized precision over speed in the process.

Fulton County in Georgia, where the city of Atlanta is located, came in with updated figures around 5:45 p.m. Norwegian time on Thursday. About 95 percent of the votes in Fulton are counted, according to CNN.

According to CNN, Biden will drop Trump at Fulton, and in the updates that have come in in the past few hours, more than 80 percent of the vote will go to Biden here.

Trump’s leadership is now down to around 14,000 votes at last recount in the state.

In the previous report, Trump’s lead was around 18,000 votes.

According to CNN, there are about 50,000 votes left to count. A total of 96 percent of the votes in the state have been counted as of 3 p.m. Norwegian time. There is only a 0.6 percentage point difference between the two now in Georgia.

State of Pennsylvania (20 voters)

Biden has been gaining ground in Pennsylvania in recent hours, where his field expects very strong numbers from the cities of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia in the coming hours.

About 568,000 votes remain to be counted in the state, according to CNN. In Philadelphia alone, there are 113,000 votes left to count on Thursday afternoon.

Trump’s leadership is down by around 19,000 votes from the previous update, down to around 115,000 votes, CNN reports at 6 p.m. Norway time.

In the previous update at 4.30pm, Trump led with around 135,000 votes.

Trump leads Thursday afternoon at 50.3 percent, while Biden takes over and is now at 48.5 percent.

If Biden gets about 65 percent of the remaining votes, he passes. It is challenging, but not completely impossible.

Read also: This is how the American electorate works Y These are the inflection states

State of Nevada (6 voters)

Joe Biden increases the lead in Nevada. The challenger has a 1 percent lead and just under 12,000 votes.

87 percent of the votes were counted at 6 p.m. Norwegian time, when the latest update came from Nevada.

It’s worth noting that Clark County, where Las Vegas is located, represents the majority of voters in Nevada. Joe Biden is doing very well in this county.

State of North Carolina (15 voters)

Here, Trump leads by 1.4 percentage points when 95 percent of the vote is counted. Biden needs to take about 65 percent of the remaining votes here to evenly end Trump.

There have been no recent results from this status in more than a day. The state accepts mail-in ballots up to and including Nov. 12, as long as the ballot is stamped and posted before Election Day. Here it can be several days before we know for sure who won the state.

In addition, Alaska (3) remains, where Trump has a significant advantage and will undoubtedly win.

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Claim victory in several unsolved states

Trump took to Twitter Wednesday night to declare victory in Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina and Michigan. He further states that the ballot papers have been cast in secret, of which there is no proof.

No one else has declared Trump’s victory in these four states, even though he leads in three of them.

The Trump camp has also announced lawsuits in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Nevada.

Biden, in turn, tweeted “count every vote.” He thinks there will be enough voters for him to win, but we haven’t declared anything yet.

“Democracy is the heartbeat of this nation,” he said in a speech Wednesday.

The OSCE’s chief election observer in the United States criticizes Donald Trump for undermining confidence in democracy with his accusations of election fraud.

– Unsubstantiated accusations of systematic shortcomings, especially by the incumbent president, even on election night, damage the public’s confidence in democratic institutions, says Michael Georg Link.

The states that have settled

These states are divided (number of voters in parentheses):

  • Donald Trump vinner Indiana (11), Kentucky (8), Mississippi (6), Missouri (10), Oklahoma (7), South Carolina (9), Tennessee (11), West Virginia (5), Arkansas (9) , Alabama (9), Louisiana (8), South Dakota (3), North Dakota (3), Nebraska (4), Wyoming (3), Kansas (6), Utah (6), Idaho (4), Florida (29), Iowa (6), Ohio (18), Texas (38) og Maine (1 of 4)
  • Joe Biden utpekes som vinner i Connecticut (7), Delaware (3), Illinois (20), Maine (3 to 4), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (11), New Jersey (14), Vermont (3), Virginia (13), Washington, DC (3), Rhode Island (4), New Mexico (5), Nebraska (1), New York (29), Colorado (9), New Hampshire (4), California (55), Oregon (7), Washington (12), Hawaii (4), Minnesota (10), Michigan (16) and Wisconsin (10)

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